Lancaster R5679 - Grønhøj - Mindesten - Memorial Stone              Links                     Updated: 09 OCT 2021

 Afsløring af Mindesten 2013 - Unveiling of the Memorial Stone 2013 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -
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Foto: Rudy Mertner.
Flyvevåbnet lavede 1. overflyvning med 4 lette skolefly T-17, SAAB Supporter,
hvor 1 af de 4 fly brød ud af formationen for at symbolisere et tabt fly.

Rudy Mertner.
The Royal Danish Air Force made the first flypast with 4 light training aircraft
T-17, SAAB Supporter, where 1 of the 4 planes broke out of the formation to
symbolize a lost plane.

Rudy Mertner.
I 2. overflyvning er formationen igen fuldtallig for at vise, at nye mænd og
maskiner erstatter tab.

Rudy Mertner.
The formation is complete again in the second flypast to show that new men
and planes take over, when planes are lost.