Duxford 2018 Imperial War Museum Duxford * American Air Museum  Photo:  AS  22 SEP 2018                  Updated:  08 NOV 2018  

Click on next hyperlink START*OPERATIONS ROOM*BLENHEIM* HURRICANE*flying* SPITFIRE* LANCASTER*total*Navigator*flying* BBMF TEAM
Spitfires+B-17*B-17 total*tail*wing*ball turret*top*radio room*cockpit*bombardier*to tail*flying* P-51 MUSTANG*flying* RED ARROWS* THE EAGLE

B-17 top of ball turret B-17 toppen af "kugletårn"
B-17 og besætning på en B-17.

Da Sergeant Lester Schrenks fly blev ramt
og brød i brand, kom han op fra sin plads,
så han sprang ud lige inden en vinge
brækkede af, se på forsiden AirmenDK
Sgt Schrenk+Obl Müller
og links derfra.

B-17 top of the ball turret
B-17 and the crew of a B-17.

When Sergeant Lester Schrenk's plane
was hit and caught fire, he came up from
his position in the ball turret.
He bailed out just before a wing broke off,
see on the main page AirmenDK
Sgt Schrenk+Obl Müller
and links from there.