Duxford 2018 Imperial War Museum Duxford * American Air Museum  Photo: AS  22 SEP 2018                   Updated: 12 NOV 2018  

Click on next hyperlink START*OPERATIONS ROOM*BLENHEIM* HURRICANE*flying* SPITFIRE* LANCASTER*total*Navigator*flying* BBMF TEAM
Spitfires+B-17*B-17 total*tail*wing*ball turret*top*radio room*cockpit*bombardier*to tail*flying* P-51 MUSTANG*flying* RED ARROWS* THE EAGLE

Lancaster Navigator LANCASTER navigatør

Navigatøren havde et vanskeligt job.

Det understreges af  Navigation.

Han havde en række instrumenter til rådighed.

Meget fint at man kunne bruge H2S, men
desværre kunne tyskerne se, når det blev
brugt, så det afslørede flyets position.

Detaljer om instrumenter for navigatør og telegrafist ses via dette foto. Zoom ind! Se også
Radioer af samme type på Yorkshire Air Museum.


The Navigator had a very difficult job.

It is underlined by Navigation.

He had a number of instruments at his disposal.

Very fine that H2S was an option, but the
Germans could see when it was used, and
it gave away the position of the plane.

Details about instruments for
Navigator and Wireless Operator here. Zoom in!
See Radios of the same type
at Yorkshire Air Museum.