Duxford 2018 Imperial War Museum Duxford * American Air Museum  Photo: SL 22 SEP 2018                 Updated:  08 NOV 2018  

Click on next hyperlink START*OPERATIONS ROOM*BLENHEIM* HURRICANE*flying* SPITFIRE* LANCASTER*total*Navigator*flying* BBMF TEAM
Spitfires+B-17*B-17 total*tail*wing*ball turret*top*radio room*cockpit*bombardier*to tail*flying* P-51 MUSTANG*flying* RED ARROWS* THE EAGLE

B-17 tail B-17 haleparti
B-17 og besætning på en B-17.

Agterskytten her havde andre betingelser end skytten i Agtertårnet i en Lancaster.

De brugte forskellig kaliber af

B-17 tail
B-17 and the crew of a B-17.

The tail gunner here had other conditions than his colleague,
the rear gunner in the
Rear Turret of a Lancaster.

They used different calibres of