Mosquito FB VI RS619 - Tandrup Mark                                             Updated: 18 JAN 2023

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v999084.htm Harington R K P/O RAF 235 p420.htm MOS RS619 Anti ship Tandrup Mark d050445 v999 v999.htm EVD to S
v999085.htm Winwood A E F/Sgt RAF 235 p420.htm MOS RS619 Anti ship Tandrup Mark d050445 v999 v999.htm EVD to S

Den 5. april 1945 nødlandede MOS RS619 ved Tandrup Mark her overblik her, indflyvning fra øst. (Kilde: Poul Martin Kjær) Se Maskinkanoner*Stempel*Dele.
Det lykkedes Raymond Harington og Bert Winwood at nå Sverige.
Mange danskere hjalp dem!
Se historien om dem i
De fandt en vej fortalt af oberst Ejby-Nielsen til Anders Bjørnvad. En kort beretning om første del af deres flugt.

Se Kort over flyets sidste operation og flyvernes vej gennem Danmark via Sverige til Scotland og
Historisk Årbog for Thy og Vester Han Herred 1986 Chr. Houmark Hammer: Flugtrute Thy-Stockholm-Scotland hos Arkivthy.

Sydthy Årbogen 1994 Poul Martin Kjær: Hvad skete der med "F" som Freddie? hos Arkivthy
Historisk Årbog for Thy og Vester Han Herred 1996 Kåre Rønhede: Henrys kamp hos Arkivthy.  

Historisk Årbog for Thy og Vester Han Herred 1999 Raymond Harington og Bert Winwood: Flugten fra Danmark hos Arkivthy.
Se Kort - Map of Visit to Denmark. Se også fra 1991 Gensyn med deres redningsmand fra krigen Del 1 og Del 2 (zoom).
Se TV2oj:  Venskaber opstår 28 min. om flyvere, der nåede Sverige med bl.a. Harington fra MOS RS619.
Se Poul Erik Pedersen: U-bådskrig - pdf, 44 sider - om de 2 fly nævnt her s. 41.

Hovedudsendelsen Shipbusters (34 min.) af Uffe Bregendahl. Raymond Harington og andre i TV/MIDT-VEST den 3. marts 2011. Se kort trailer 1min.
Tabet af MOS RS617 omtales. Kampene fortsatte med tab: 4. maj 1945 MUS KH860   5. maj B24 KK299 og U-534   9. maj!!! SPI Mk XI
2 flyvere.
Se Mosquito fotos * Google Map 14 Mosquitos DK * Mosquito Aircrew Reunion 2011

On 5 April 1945 MOS RS619 crash landed at Tandrup Mark here overview here, heading west. (Source: Poul Martin Kjær) See Machine cannons*Piston*Parts.
Raymond Harington and Bert Winwood managed to reach Sweden. Many Danes helped them! See the Map of Visit to Denmark.

Escape Route Thy-Stockholm-Scotland by Christian Houmark Hammer, 1986, gathers the threads seen from the Danish side.
See their story in
De fandt en vej (They found a way p.145) as told by Anders Bjørnvad. A short account about the first part of their escape.

Escape from Denmark
is the original account from
Raymond Harington and Bert Winwood. In Danish it is included in "Hvad skete der - -" and "Flugten fra DK"
See also from 1992 an article in Danish with photos, title translated into Reunion with their rescuer from the war Part 1 and Part 2 (zoom).

Shipbusters (34 min.) by Uffe Bregendahl. Raymond Harington and others on TV/MIDT-VEST on 3 March 2011. See a short trailer.
The loss of MOS RS617 is mentioned. The battle went on with losses: 04 MAY 1945 MUS KH860    05 MAY B24 KK299 and U-534    09 MAY!!! SPI Mk XI

This Mosquito from No. 235 Squadron RAF took off from RAF Bannf. See also 
Military Art Company Profile of No.235 Sqn RAF with a print of
MOS RS619 flown by Flight Lieutenant Ray Harington and by Warrant Officer Bert Winwood.
At the bottom of the pages about each of these airmen you see
Report from the Squadron Operational Record Book from the day his Mosquito was forced to belly-land in Denmark.
Secret Scotland - RAF Banff  and RAF Coastal Command. See Mosquito Photos * Google Map 14 Mosquitos DK * Mosquito Aircrew Reunion 2011