Mosquito Aircrew Reunion 16 April 2011
The crew of MOS RS619: Flight Lieutenant
Ray Harington
Warrant Officer Bert Winwood
2004 indstillede foreningen for Mosquito-flyvere sine aktiviteter på grund
af medlemmernes fremskredne alder. Da var der mere end 150 flyvere ved det
årsmøde i Royal Air Force Museum,
På initiativ af David A. Coeshall and Andy Dawson kunne mange veteraner,
både flyvere og jordpersonnel, sammen med familiemedlemmer, venner og
gæster nyde nok et gensyn i Royal Air
Force Club i London den 16. april 2011. Der var stor stemning blandt
deltagerne for en gentagelse i 2012!
Da formand Richard de Boer fra
Calgary Mosquito Society
nævnte CATP - træningsprogrammet i Canada for flyvere fra hele Commonwealth
og nogle allierede lande,
angav omkring et dusin veteraner, at de var der! Træningen blev ikke
forstyrret af fjenden!
Den 5. april 1945 nødlandede Mosquito FB VI RS619 med Flight Lieutenant
Ray Harington og Warrant Officer Bert Winwood
i Thy. 66 år senere taler de stadig varmt
om den danske modstandsbevægelse og folk, der hjalp dem tværs over
Nordjylland til Sverige! Se detaljer i nogle beretninger og en TV film på
MOS RS619.
In 2004 the Mosquito Aircrew
Association in the United Kingdom wound up its activities due to the
ageing membership. Then more than 150 airmen enjoyed
a final reunion at the Royal Air
Force Museum, London.
On the initiative of David A. Coeshall and Andy Dawson another reunion was
enjoyed by many aircrew and ground crew veterans together with relatives,
friends and
invited guests at the Royal Air Force
Club in London on 16 April 2011. The general mood was that the
attendants would like it to be repeated in 2012!
When President Richard de Boer of the
Calgary Mosquito Society
mentioned the Commonwealth Air Training
Plan in Canada where aircrew personnel from all of the commonwealth and
some allied nations were trained, about a dozen veterans indicated that they
were there! The training was not disturbed by enemy activity!
On 5 April 1945 Mosquito FB VI RS619 force landed with Flight Lieutenant
Ray Harington and Warrant Officer Bert Winwood
in Denmark. 66 years later they still
speak warmly about the
Resistance Movement and people who helped them across
Jutland to Sweden! See details in some accounts and a TV film on
MOS RS619.