Harry Charles Godfrey                                                                         Updated: 16 JAN 2023

Airman: e777880.htm Surname: Godfrey Init: H C Rank: F/O Service: RAF Sqdn: 502

P_link: p470.htm Plane: HAL JP302 Operation: Anti ship Crash_site: The Skagerrak

Crash_d: d261244 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

Flying Officer Harry Charles Godfrey, 25 år, var søn af Harry Charles og Ada Godfrey, Northampton; gift med Dorothy Florence Annie Godfrey, Northampton,
United Kingdom.

Hans navn er på Panel 206 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)

"26/27 december 1944, Skagerrak.
Halifax GR.II, JP302 (V9-F). 502 Squadron, 18 Group, Coastal Command, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. (Anti shipping patrol i Skagerrak / Kattegat). 8 MIA.
Kl. 16.28 lettede flyet og først på natten meldte piloten, F/Lt Norman Victor Haynes, at han over Skagerrak blev angrebet af fire natjagere.
Der er ikke siden fundet spor af JP302 og de 8 besætningsmedlemmer." (FT 89-73-40)

"Flyet lettede 16.28 GMT fra Stornoway på anti-skibspatrulje i Skagerrak/Kattegat-området. Den første radiomeddelelse kom 16.47 GMT for at sige, at de var ved
at angribe handelsskibe. Der blev ikke hørt mere før 20.30, da et opkald sagde: "Vi bliver angrebet af en jager." Den tyske natjagerenhed i området på den tid var
Nachtjagdesschwader 3 fra basen Grove i Danmark. Denne Halifax blev skudt ned af Leutnant Scheunpflug fra Stab 1 Gruppe/NJG 3, som fløj en Junkers Ju-88
kl. 20.47 om aftenen den 26. december 1944. Området hvor Halifax-flyet kom ned var ud for den nordlige kyst af Danmark."
(Oplysninger modtaget 29. januar 2010 fra Robin Hudson fra RAFA Stornoway baseret på 502 Squadrons bog om operationer - ORB.) Se Halifax Print.

Flying Officer Harry Charles Godfrey, 25, was the son of Harry Charles and Ada Godfrey, of Northampton, and the husband of Dorothy Florence Annie Godfrey, of Northampton, United Kingdom.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 206, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)

"26/27 December 1944, the Skagerrak.
Halifax GR.II, JP302 (V9-F). 502 Squadron, 18 Group, Coastal Command, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis. (Anti shipping patrol in the Skagerrak / the Kattegat). 8 MIA.
At 16.28 hours the plane took off, and in the early night Pilot, F/Lt Norman Victor Haynes reported that he was attacked by four night fighters over the Skagerrak.
No trace of JP302 and its crew of 8 has ever been found." (FT 89-73-40)

"The aircraft took-off Stornoway 16-28 GMT on anti-shipping patrol in the Skagerrak/Kattegat area. The first radio message came at 19-47 GMT to say they were
attacking merchant ships. Nothing else was heard until 20-30, when a call was heard saying, 'We are being attacked by an enemy fighter.' The German night fighter
unit in the area at that time was Nachtjagdesschwader 3, based at Grove, Denmark. The Halifax was shot-down by Leutnant Scheunpflug of Stab 1 Gruppe/NJG 3,
flying a Junkers Ju-88 at 20-47 on the night of 26/12/1944. The area where the Halifax came down was off the northern coast of Denmark."
(Information received on 29 January 2010 from Robin Hudson of
RAFA Stornoway based on the 502 Squadron Operational Record Book - ORB.)

See RAF Coastal Command * No. 502 Squadron RAF. This Halifax from No. 18 Group RAF took off from RAF Stornoway. Robin Hudson of RAFA Stornoway sent
details of airmen from HAL JP333 *HAL JP302 *HAL JP173 *HAL PN402 *HAL JP299 *HAL JP330. Also HAL HX224 * HAL HR686 * HAL JP336 took off from
RAF Stornoway. See Halifax Print. See Lost Airmen from RAF Stornoway. 8 airmen.