John Herbert Palmer                                                                              Updated: 22 JAN 2022

Airman: e777063.htm Surname: Palmer Init: J H Rank: F/O Service: RAAF Sqdn: 464

P_link: p413.htm Plane: MOS RS609 Operation: Attack DK Crash_site: Kattegat

Crash_d: d210345 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

MOS RS609 tog del i angrebet på Gestapos hovedkvarter i København den 21. marts 1945. Se links om Shellhuset, også  RAF mindetavle.
Se Fotos og Google Map Shell House Shellhuset. Se Mosquito fotos og Google Map 14 Mosquitoes DK og Mustang fotos.
Se også Kort over angrebet på Shellhuset fra Derek Carter.

MOS RS609 blev på tilbageturen mod England ramt af flak fra tyske stillinger ved Hundested (omkring her) og styrtede i havet øst for Samsø. Begge flyvere blev meldt savnede.

Fenrik (Navigator) H.H. Becker blev begravet som ukendt i 1945 i Tranebjerg, men han blev identificeret i 2000 som fortalt i Aftenposten.

F/O (Pilot) J. H. Palmer har ingen kendt grav.
Flying Officer John Herbert Palmer, 27 år, var søn af Leonard Palmer og Marjorie Palmer, East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.

Hans navn er på Panel 283 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)
2 flyvere.

MOS RS609 took part in the attack on the Gestapo HQ in Copenhagen on 21 March, 1945. See links about the Shell House, also RAF memorial tablet.
See Photos and Google Map Shell House. See Mosquito Photos and Google Map 14 Mosquitoes DK and Mustang Photos.
See also Map of the air raid on the Shell House from Derek Carter.

On the return flight to England MOS RS609 was attacked by flak from German positions at Hundested (about here) and crashed into the sea east of Samsø.
Both airmen were reported missing.

Fenrik (Navigator) H.H. Becker was buried as unknown in 1945 in Tranebjerg, but he was identified in 2000 as told in Aftenposten.

F/O (Pilot) J.H. Palmer has no known grave.
Flying Officer John Herbert Palmer, 27, was the son of Leonard Palmer and Marjorie Palmer, of East St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 283, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)
Virtual War Memorial Australia has this.

This Mosquito from No. 464 Squadron RAF-Wikipedia  took off from RAF Fersfield. See p413MACR. 2 airmen.