K. H. Walker                                                                                         Updated: 15 JAN 2022

Airman: o888073.htm Surname: Walker Init: K H Rank: F/O Service: RAF Sqdn: 161

P_link: p379r.htm Plane: STI LK 238 Operation: Drop in DK Crash_site: Near Vemb

Crash_d: d071044 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

"På vej til to jyske modtagepladser med våben til den danske modstandsbevægelse nedstyrtede et Stirling fly natten til den 7. oktober 1944 på gården Stamphøjs jorder i Gørding sogn. Ved flyvraget blev fundet et dræbt besætningsmedlem, R.F. Philp fra Queensland i Australien." (FAF)

Se mindesten netop her ved hegnet, hvor Philp blev gravet ned af den tyske værnemagt. Det er ca. 300 m nord for Skalstrupvej 14, 7570 Vemb, ca. 700 m nord for gården Stamphøj og ca. 3 km nord for Gørding Kirke, hvor Philp blev begravet den 15. juni 1945.

Efter nødlandingen  klarede Flying Officer (Wireless operator) K.H. Walker og Squadron Leader (Pilot) G.E. Abecassis at være på fri fod i nogle dage. AOD har mere.
Arne Mosgaard sendte Flyvergraven i Gørding * Om LK238 * Flugten gennem et besat land * Nogen hjalp - Gee.

Fra STI LK 238 er 1 flyver begravet i Gørding, 2 blev taget til fange og 4 nåede Sverige med hjælp fra modstandsbevægelsen. 7 flyvere.

On its way to two drop zones in Jutland with weapons for the Danish resistance movement STI LK 238 crashed on the night before 7 October, 1944 into a field of the farm Stamphøj in the parish of Gørding. A perished member of the crew, R.F. Philp from Queensland, Australia was found at the wreck. (Source: FAF)

See the memorial stone just here at the hedgerow, where Philp was dug down by the German Wehrmacht. It is about 300 m north of Skalstrupvej 14, DK-7570 Vemb, about 700 m north of the farm Stamphøj and about 3 km north of Gørding Church, where Philp was buried on 15 June, 1945.

After the emergency landing Flying Officer (Wireless operator) K.H. Walker and Squadron Leader (Pilot) G.E. Abecassis managed to stay at large for some days. AOD has more.

1 airman from STI LK 238 is buried in Gørding, 2 became POWs and 4 evaded to Sweden with help from the resistance movement.

69 perished airmen from this and 14 other planes are commemorated on the Memorial Plaque in Rebild. They lost their lives on flights with weapons to the
Danish resistance. For the same reason they are commemorated in London. See 69 airmen - St. Clement Danes. See Google Map Rebild with 15 + 3 planes lost.
No. 161 Squadron RAF-Wikipedia* Roll of Honour, Tempsford* Tempsford Special Duties Squadrons* A History of Tempsford Airfield
Stirling IV LK238 MA-X took off from RAF Tempsford at 22.29 hrs on 06 OCT 1944. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.) Short Stirling  7 airmen.