Hugh J. Loughran  Photo: AS 15 MAR 2008 + 14 JUL 2021 Upd: 09 AUG 2021

Airman: a040005.htm Surname: Loughran Init: H J Rank: F/O Service: RCAF Sqdn: 424

P_link: p381.htm Plane: HAL MZ901 Operation: Minelaying Crash_site: Near Idom

Crash_d: d151044 Buried_d: b150645 C_link: c040.htm At_Next: Idom

 HAL MZ901 styrtede ned her, overblik her, få kilometer fra Idom og Holstebro. Se p381MACR.
Se mindekors på Idom Kirkegård. Fotos 
A * B * C * D   Google Map p381 Halifax MZ901     
Se en udførlig Beretning fra Evald Sønderby om flystyrtet baseret på øjenvidneskildringer.

De tyske soldater begravede de faldne flyvere "på stedet" efter deres stående ordre fra august 1944.
Se mere i FAF Resume. K
rigen blev stadig mere bitter.
Disse flyvere blev begravet rigtigt på Idom Kirkegård den 15. juni 1945. Se mere ved flyet
HAL MZ901.

Flying Officer (Air Gunner) Hugh Joseph Loughran var fra Canada. (Kilde: CWGC)
Canadisk statsborger, men han var fra Belfast, Irland. Kommet med på afbud. (Kilde: Andreas Lundby)

7 flyvere.

HAL MZ901 crashed here, overview here, a few kilometres from Idom and Holstebro. See p381MACR.
See memorial cross in Idom Churchyard.
Photos  A * B * C * D  Google Map p381 Halifax MZ901
See a comprehensive Account from Evald Sønderby about the air crash based on eye witness accounts.

The German soldiers buried the fallen airmen "on the spot" according to their orders from August 1944.
See more in FAF Summary. The war grew still more bitter.
These airmen were properly buried in Idom Churchyard on 15 June 1945. See more at
HAL MZ901.

Flying Officer (Air Gunner) Hugh Joseph Loughran was from Canada. (Source: CWGC)
A Canadian citizen, but he was from Belfast, Ireland. Joined the crew to fill in for another airman.
(Source: Andreas Lundby) His name is engraved on the Memorial Wall at the BC Museum of Canada.
The Canadian Virtual War Memorial has this. He is remembered on The Walls of Names at the
International Bomber Command Centre, Phase 2, Panel 200.

Halifax III MZ901 QB-N took off from RAF Skipton on Swale at 18.22 hrs on 15 OCT 1944.
(Source: Aircrew Remembered has this + Archive Report.)