B 17G 42-31619 - Sosegård, Bornholm See also p296 B17 42-31156 Updated: 12 AUG 2021
Airman | Surname | Init | Rank | Service | Sqdn | P_link | Plane | Operation | Crash_site | Crash_d | Buried_d | C_link | At_Next |
v999038.htm | Carraway | M L | Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999032.htm | Culliton | J R | Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999037.htm | Liddle | H N | Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999029.htm | Nunn | W G | S/Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999030.htm | O´Bannon Jr. | R H | S/Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999033.htm | Ringle | S | 2ndLt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999036.htm | Shelton | H H | 2ndLt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999034.htm | Stevenson | J A | 2ndLt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999035.htm | Whiteman | J S | 2ndLt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
v999031.htm | Yemma | O J | Sgt | USAAF | 615 | p325.htm | B17 42-31619 | Bomb G | Sosegård, Bornholm | d240544 | v999 | v999.htm | EVD to S |
Amerikanerne forsvandt ad en nærliggende ådal og kom frem mod Åkirkeby, hvor man mener, at de blev taget op af en lastbilchauffør, der kørte dem til Almindingen. Her spredte de sig to og to i det store skovområde. Radio Operator, S/Sgt William Nunn og Left Waist
Gunner, Sgt Orlando Yemma nåede frem til Stammershale (sydøst for Tejn) hvor de
blev anholdt af en cyklende tysk soldat, der var på patrulje. Ved list fik de
dog overmandet tyskeren og fortsatte mod nord til de nåede Allingeegnen. Her fik
de husly hos Oscar Fält, og pinsemorgen stjal de en robåd på stranden (omkring
her) og stak
til søs. Efter en hård og anstrengende tur nåede de Brantevik (her) i Sverige, og den
5. juni var de tilbage i England. Top Turret Gunner, S/Sgt Richard O´Bannon og Tail Gunner, Sgt Jack Culliton nåede til Sandvig (her), hvor de blev anvist en robåd. Om natten stod de til søs og lydløst passerede de et par uddykkede ubåde ca. 1 sømil fra kysten. De roede godt til hele natten, men næste morgen kunne de stadig ikke se land. De var blevet fortalt, at Sverige kun lå 7 miles væk, men da de roede direkte mod nord, sejlede de således parallelt med den skånske østkyst. De fortsatte den næste nat, og den anden morgen kom de ind i en tågebanke, hvilket de var lykkelige for, idet de kort forinden var blevet fulgt af et ubådsperiskop. Ved ca. 11-tiden kom de ud af tågen og blev samlet op af en finsk damper, der satte dem af i Trelleborg (her). Den 5. juni var de tilbage i England. Navigator, 2nd Lt Seymour Ringle og Bombardier, 2nd Lt James Stevenson nåede hurtigt frem til stranden ved Melsted. Her satte det ind med et voldsomt regnskyl, men de fortsatte langs kysten til Gudhjem (her), hvor de fik kontakt med skræddermester Chr. Holm. Den 31. maj gik de ombord på ruteskibet "Carl" (se detaljer om transporten), og i Falsterbokanalen (her) blev de overført til den svenske lodsbåd. Den 11. juni var de tilbage i England. De fire sidste besætningsmedlemmer (Right Waist
Gunner Sgt Marvin Carraway, Ball Turret Gunner
Sgt Gunner Heath Liddle, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt
Horace Shelton og Pilot 2nd Lt John Whiteman) blev ad omveje samlet
hos Ernst Petersen i Hasle. Den 1. juni kom de ombord på fiskekutteren
og kursen blev sat mod Simrishamn (her), som man nåede fredag morgen den 2. juni kl.
04.00. Flyverne kom derfra direkte til den amerikanske konsul i Stockholm, og
allerede den 11. juni var de tilbage i England."
"The plane was hit in the wing by flak over
Berlin, and it soon started losing fuel. Over Bornholm flak started again, and due to the heavy damages the pilot
decided to make a belly landing at Sosegård. The
landing was perfect, but rain and strong wind prevented the crew from making the
plane catch fire, even if they wrapped a The Americans disappeared along a neighbouring creek in the direction of Åkirkeby, where some people think they were picked up by a truck driver, who drove them to Almindingen. Here they dispersed in twos in the big forest. Radio Operator, S/Sgt William Nunn and Left Waist Gunner, Sgt Orlando Yemma reached Stammershale (southeast of Tejn) where they were arrested by a German soldier who was on a patrol on his bicycle. They managed to overpower the German and went on north till they reached the area of Allinge. Here they were sheltered by Oscar Fält, and on Whitsunday morning they stole a rowing boat at the beach (about here) and went to sea. After a hard and exhausting journey they reached Brantevik (here) in Sweden, and they were back in England on 5 June. William Nunn (see photo) visited Bornholm in June 1982. Top Turret Gunner, S/Sgt Richard O´Bannon and Tail Gunner, Sgt Jack Culliton reached Sandvig (here), where they were assigned a rowing boat. At night they went to sea, and without a sound they passed a couple of submarines, which had surfaced about 1 nautical mile off the coast. They rowed well all of the night, but next morning they were still unable to see land. They had been told that Sweden was only 7 miles away, but as they were rowing directly north, they were sailing parallel with the east coast of Sweden. They carried on the next night, and on the second morning they got into a fog bank. They were happy with that since a short while before they had been followed by a periscope of a submarine. At about 11 a.m. they came out of the fog and were picked up by a Finnish steamer, which set them down in Trelleborg (here). They were back in England on 5 June. Navigator, 2nd Lt Seymour Ringle and Bombardier, 2nd Lt James Stevenson soon reached the beach at Melsted. Here a heavy rain started, but they went on along the coast to Gudhjem (here), where they got in touch with master tailor Chr. Holm. On 31 May they went on board the ship "Carl" for Copenhagen, (see details about "Carl") and in Falsterbokanalen (here) they were transferred to the Swedish pilot boat. (Text in English without map, the Falsterbo Canal.) They were back in England on 11 June. After some detours the last four crew members (Right Waist
Gunner Sgt Marvin Carraway, Ball Turret Gunner
Sgt Heath Liddle, Co-Pilot 2nd Lt
Horace Shelton and Pilot 2nd Lt John Whiteman)
were gathered at Ernst Petersen´s in Hasle. On 1 June they
came aboard the fishing boat "Svanen" ("The Swan") and the course was set for Simrishamn (here)
which they reached on Friday morning 2 June at 04:00. From there the airmen came
directly to the American consul in Stockholm, and they were back in England
as early as 11 June." (FT 87-94-7) More in
p325MACR. |