Wassermann Radar Kort / Map                                                             Updated:  19 DEC 2014

Links: Grove 26 SEP 1944 photos *
Grove 26 SEP 1944 painting
Wassermann Radar 1944 * Wassermann Radar 2014 * Kort / Map

CP: Grove 26 SEP 1944 * CP: Mosquitoes and Grove
George Stewart * George Stewart - Ansons *

Kort fra Bent Baagøe Anthonisen:
Fæstningsværker fra Nymindegab til Thyborøn
s. 34. ISBN 978-87-85092-21-2

Position for Wassermann M netop ændret
i forhold til tidligere trykte udgaver.


Map from Bent Baagøe Anthonisen:
Fæstningsværker fra Nymindegab til Thyborøn
p. 34. ISBN 978-87-85092-21-2
("German Fortifications from Nymindegab to Thyborøn"
in Danish, but with a number of photos and maps.)

The position of Wassermann M has just been changed
from the map in earlier printed editions of this book.

Wassermann Radar 1944

Wassermann M Radar 2014