Deryk Bramley Martin                        Updated: 12 MAY 2022                                         Photo from Nigel Martin of his uncle Sgt D.B. Martin

 e777252.htm Surname: Martin Init: D B Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 51

P_link: p152.htm Plane: HAL DT628 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site:  Lost without trace

Crash_d: d210443 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

Nyt 05 DEC 2011: Det var IKKE en Halifax, der styrtede ved Halskov, men Lancaster X!
Se fotos Merlin! Lancaster X og Press + Halskov Halifax/Lancaster.

HAL DT628 startede fra RAF Snaith den 20. april 1943 kl. 21.23 for at bombe Stettin.
Flyet vendte ikke tilbage! Det forsvandt sporløst.

Sergeant (Pilot) Deryk Bramley Martin, 21 år, var søn af Lt.-Col. Arthur William og Mary Dorothy Martin,
West Dulwich, London, United Kingdom.
Hans navn er på Panel 158 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt
mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)
Se hans navn.

Sergeant Deryk Bramley Martin var 2nd Pilot (Attached) på HAL DT628. Nigel Martin fortalte, at hans onkel
som ny pilot med sin egen fuldt uddannede besætning netop skulle til at flyve på bombetogter. Før det kom
han med HAL DT628 for at få operativ erfaring. (En normal procedure, jvfr.
"Bomber Crew" af James Taylor og Martin Davidson.)

Nigel fortalte sin far om identifikationen. Tony Martin så mere i om HAL DT628 og skrev til AS:
"Det hele er meget bevægende og til tider er jeg lige ved at græde. Jeg er sikker på, når jeg fortæller det til min bror og mine søstre, at de vil være taknemlige for efter 68 år at kende vores brors sidste hvilested."
(Se også
Artikler i Korsør Posten, især fra 16 AUG 2011)
Se Operationer for Bretts besætning * Besætningen * Sgt Peter Shortland's logbog * Stettin + Rostock 20 - 21 April 1943 * Google Map 51 Squadron.
Se Halifax Print og folk bag en Halifax klar til en mission. 8 flyvere.

Breaking news 05 DEC 2011: It was NOT a Halifax, but Lancaster X! See photos Merlin! Lancaster X and Press + Halskov Halifax/Lancaster.
HAL DT628 took off from RAF Snaith on 20 April 1943 at 21.23 hours to bomb Stettin. The plane failed to return! It disappeared without trace.

Sergeant (Pilot) Deryk Bramley Martin, 21, was the son of Lt.-Col. Arthur William and Mary Dorothy Martin, of West Dulwich, London, United Kingdom.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 158, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC) See his name.
is remembered on The Walls of Names at the International Bomber Command Centre, Phase 2, Panel 205. 

Sergeant Deryk Bramley Martin was the 2nd Pilot (Attached) of
HAL DT628. Nigel Martin states that his uncle as a new pilot with his own fully trained crew was
about to fly on bombing raids. Before that he joined the crew of HAL DT628 to gain operational experience. (A normal procedure, according to "Bomber Crew" by
James Taylor and Martin Davidson. AS)
Nigel told his father about the identification. Tony Martin studied about
HAL DT628 and wrote to AS, "It is all very moving and at times I am close to tears. I am sure that when I tell my brother and sisters that they will be thankful to know, after 68 years, the final resting place of our brother."
See also
Articles in the Korsør Posten, 16 AUG 2011.

Halifax II DT628 MH-B took off from RAF Snaith at 21.23 hrs on 20 APR 1943. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.)
Operations of Brett's crew * Crew Sheet * Sgt Peter Shortland's log book * Stettin + Rostock 20 - 21 April 1943 * Google Map 51 Squadron.
Halifax * Halifax-BC Museum.Canada * Halifax-RAF Museum * Halifax-The Yorkshire Air Museum. See Halifax Print and Halifax - Bless 'Em All.
8 airmen.