George William Hill                                                                                  Updated: 24 NOV 2021

 e777040.htm Surname: Hill Init: G W Rank: F/Lt Service: RAF Sqdn: 547

P_link: p433.htm Plane: B24 KK299 Operation: Anti ship Crash_site: Kattegat

Crash_d: d050545 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

Den 5. maj 1945 var 4 tyske U-både på vej mod Norge, hvor krigen endnu ikke var slut. Britiske fly ville standse denne trafik. De cirklede rundt om U-bådene og
en U-båd åbnede ild kl. 19.30.
Piloten, F/Lt George William Hill B24 KK299 foretog øjeblikkelig et angreb. Flyet kastede en bombe tæt på U-534 som fortalt i 
den lange version.

U-båden skød tilbage og
B24 KK299 styrtede i havet nordøst for Anholt 3 sømil fra U-båden. U-534 sank omkring her.
De 11 flyvere omkom
og 9 af dem blev aldrig fundet. (Kilde: FT 91-11-58)

Flight Lieutenant George William Hill, 24 år, var søn af G. W. og Madeline Hill, Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
Hans navn er på Panel 265 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)
11 flyvere.

On 5 May 1945 4 German U-boats were heading for Norway, where the war was not over yet. British planes wanted to stop this traffic. They circled around the
U-boats and a U-boat opened fire at 19.30 hours. Pilot, F/Lt George William Hill of
B24 KK299 immediately attacked and dropped a bomb close to U-534 as told in
the long version.

The U-boat returned the fire and B24 KK299 crashed into the sea north east of Anholt 3 nautical miles from the U-boat.
U-534 sank about here.
The 11 airmen perished and 9 of them were never found.
(Source: FT 91-11-58)

Flight Lieutenant George William Hill, 24, was the son of G. W. and Madeline Hill, of Pontefract, Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 265, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)

This B-24 Liberator took off from RAF Leuchars. See 547 Squadron * Coastal Command * No. 541 - 598 Squadron Histories and the badge of 547 Squadron.
11 airmen.