Jack E. Wagner Photo: Hans Andersen+JAN 2020 Updated: 25 AUG 2021
                                                      Marstal 2021
Airman: a057001.htm Surname: Wagner Init: J E Rank: S/Sgt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 565
 p329.htm Plane: B24 42-95144 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: Langelandsbælt
 d200644 Buried_d: b110744 C_link: c057.htm At_Next: Marstal

Jack E. Wagner, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 21.9.1924-20.06.1944 Guds Fred, Peace in God.

Under formationsflyvning i 20.000 fods højde mellem Ærø og Langeland den 20. juni 1944
fik Liberator B24 42-95144 under et sammenstød med Liberator B24 100351 skåret halen af og styrtede i havet omkring 2 km sydøst for Keldsnor Fyr på Langeland, omkring her. Også det andet fly styrtede ned.

De to fly med 20 flyvere gik ned, meget af tiden i spin, der gjorde det vanskeligt at komme ud. Pilot Powers så kun 3 faldskærme fra eget fly. Romick i et andet fly så kun 5 faldskærme. Flyverne omkom af udmattelse og det kolde vand, hvis ikke de som Heilich blev
reddet efter en halv time. Wagner fra den afskårne halesektion blev fundet 19 dage senere
med faldskærm. 3 af de 20 overlevede.
Se B24 100351 * p328MACR * p328MACRberetninger * p328form + B24 42-95144*p329MACR  p329MACRforklaring * Wagner rapport om kollisionen og mere.

Tail Gunner,  Staff Sergeant Jack Elwood Wagner fra Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA blev fundet ved Ærøs Hale omkring her den 8. juli 1944. Se Politirapport.
"Begravelsen blev foretaget af den tyske værnemagt meget tidligt om morgenen den 11. juli
1944 uden gejstlig medvirken." (FAF)
Læs meget mere om begravelsen, kontakt Marstal-Selinsgrove og hvordan ægteparret Nathalia og Niels Mortensen passede graven i årtier! Se Marstal.
15 SEP 2019: Muligt bombefly fundet ud for Langelands kyst - TV2 *
8 OKT 2019 Mindst 7 bomber fundet ved flyvrag syd for Langeland - TV2FYN
8 OKT 2019: Bomber fra Anden Verdenskrig sprænges i fynsk farvand - TV2FYN
9 OKT: Jagten på bomber og amerikansk soldat fortsætter ved flyvrag - DR FYN
9 OKT 2019: Forsvarets minedykkere skal sikre flyvrag efter fund af bomber - FKO
Bemærk beretningen fra Romick. Hvilken B-24 blev fundet i SEP 2019? Oversat:
p328 "B24 100351 eksploderede, da det ramte vandet. Det gjorde det andet fly ikke." Så p329 B24 42-95144 uden hale blev fundet med bomber! 10 flyvere.

During a formation flight at an altitude of 20.000 feet between Ærø and Langeland on 20
June, 1944 Liberator
B24 42-95144 had its tail cut off in a collision with Liberator B24 100351
and crashed into the sea about 2 km southeast of
Keldsnor Lighthouse on Langeland, about here. Also the other plane crashed.

The two planes with 20 airmen went down, most of the time in spin that made it difficult to get out. Pilot Powers only saw 3 parachutes from his own plane.
Romick in another plane only saw 5 parachutes. The airmen perished from exhaustion and the cold water if they were not rescued after half an hour like Heilich.
Wagner from the tail that was cut off was found 19 days later with his parachute. 3 of 20 airmen survived.
See B24 100351 * p328MACR * p328MACRaccounts * p328form + B24 42-95144 * p329MACR * p329MACRstatement * Wagner report about the collision and more.

Tail Gunner, Staff Sergeant Jack Elwood Wagner of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA was found at Ærøs Hale about here on 8 July 1944.See Report of Danish Police.
"The burial was carried out by the German Wehrmacht very early in the morning of 11 July, 1944 without ecclesiastical assistance." (FAF)
Read much more about the burial, the contact Marstal-Selinsgrove and how the married couple Nathalia and Niels Mortensen tended the grave for decades!
Marstal is described shortly in the English edition of Wikipedia and much better in the Danish edition.

This B-24 Liberator belonged to 565 BS, 389 BG, 2 CBW, 2 BD, 8 AF of the USAAF.See the 389th Bombardment Group at the 8th Air Force Historical Society.
American Air Museum has B24 42-95144 European Clipper and the 10 crew members, crashed after mid-air collision with 42-100351, 565 BS, 389th Bomb Group.
See the 389th Bombardment Group at History of War. It took off from RAF Hethel - USAAF Station 114. See Control Towers - RAF Hethel airfield.
Which B-24 was found in September 2019?
p328 "B24 100351 blew up when it hit the water. The other aircraft did not." (Account by Romick) So p329 B24 42-95144 without tail was found with bombs!
Notice articles and TV items since 15 SEP 2019 in the section in Danish.                                                                                                                10 airmen.