P328 B24 42-100351 Casualty interrogation form  seen on Fold3, MACR 42-100351, page 40                                   Updated:  19 JAN 2020

Casualty i form p328 Foto https://www.fold3.com/image/28642891 fra nævnte side.
1st Lt (Pilot) William Powers skrev det samme som dødsårsag
ved Sgt (Waist Gunner) Jesse Vancil og de andre omkomne fra dette fly, p328:

Kollision i luften med en anden B-24. Af vores 10 mænd så jeg 3 faldskærme og
en mand uden faldskærm ramme vandet. Senere fortalte en ukendt Waist Gunner
fra en B-24 ført af Lt. Paul Chapal, også i den operation, at han så 9 lig på kysten.
Tror døden skyldes udmattelse, det kolde vand og forsinket søredningsaktion.

Photo https://www.fold3.com/image/28642891 from the page mentioned.
1st Lt (Pilot) William Powers wrote the same text about cause of death at

Sgt (Waist Gunner) Jesse Vancil and the other deceased from this plane, p328:

Mid air collision with another B-24. Of our 10 men I saw three chutes and one
body without a chute hit the water. Later an unknown W. Gunner of a B-24 piloted
by Lt Paul Chapel, also in the flight operation, told me he saw 9 bodies on the
Believe death was caused by exhaustion, cold water and delayed sea rescue.