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Kort Flugemess-Stellungen 1942-44
fra M. Svejgaard: Radar Stations in
Denmark 1942-1945
, a book by MS.
Foto fra Henrik Skov Kristensen,
Claus Kofoed og Frank Weber:
Vestallierede luftangreb i Danmark
under 2. verdenskrig
, s. 91.
kort og liste i "Befæstningsanlæg
i Danmark 1858-1945"

Tyskernes evne til at opdage allierede fly blev gradvist bedre under krigen. I 1942
blev 29 nye radaranlæg etableret.

Dansk militær efterretningstjeneste
sendte positioner for samtlige anlæg til England før nogen af dem kom i brug.
Per Winkel og Volmer Gyth fremhæves.
R.V. Jones: Most Secret War)

25. september 1942 blev ruten for
LAN R5679 alligevel lagt over RABE her
og tæt på Fliegerhorst Grove!

Allieret taktik: Flyv meget højt og i stort antal og håb at undgå angreb. Sammen kan man bedre forsvare sig mod jagere.
Alternativ: Flyv i trætophøjde for ikke at
blive set på radar. Sådan gjorde man
i 1945 ved angreb på Shellhuset

Flugemess-Stellungen 1942-1944 from M. Svejgaard: Radar Stations in
Denmark 1942-1945,
a book by MS. MS has details about The Luftnachricten Dienst
on his comprehensive website GYGES. Photos from H. Skov Kristensen, C. Kofoed and
F. Weber: Title translated to Western Allied Air Raids in Denmark during WW2.

See also map and list in "Befæstningsanlæg i Danmark 1858-1945". The German capability to detect Allied planes was gradually improved during the war.
In 1942  29 new radar stations were established. See Freya and other radars. "Thanks to our friends in the Danish Services and particularly Captain P. Winkel and
Captain V. Gyth, we knew the positions of all these new stations before any was in operation." (R.V. Jones: Most Secret War p. 279)

Nevertheless, on 25 SEP 1942 the route of Lancaster R5679 was laid over RABE (here) by the planners in England and close to Fliegerhorst Grove!

Allied tactics: Fly very high and in great numbers and hope to avoid attacks. Together you can better defend yourselves against fighters.
Alternative: Fly at treetop level to avoid being seen on radar. That  was the way the Shell House was reached and attacked in March 1945.