Stirling IV LK567 - Plougslund Mose                                                    Updated:  10 SEP 2018

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
a018002.htm Ayers J F/Sgt RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 b310545 c018.htm Fredericia
v996092.htm Dax E A Wt/O RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 v996 v996.htm EVD in DK
v996095.htm Day R S F/Sgt RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 v996 v996.htm EVD in DK
v996093.htm Fuller FW F/Sgt RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 v996 v996.htm EVD in DK
v996091.htm Jones T F/S RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 v996 v996.htm EVD in DK
v996094.htm Tate E F/Sgt RAF 295 p429r.htm STI LK567 Drop in DK Plougslund Mose d270445 v996 v996.htm EVD in DK

STI LK567 nødlandede omkring her den 27. april 1945 nær det
monument, der blev rejst i 1995.  Se også MACR (Rapport om savnet fly) p429rMACR.

Adskillige RAF-våbenfly fløj med våbenforsyninger til Danmark denne nat.
STI LK567 så ingen lys fra den nedkastningsplads ved Faaborg (her), som flyet cirklede over. Flyet påbegyndte hjemturen og passerede Vandel Flyveplads (her). Pludselig åbnede flakskyts ild, og de to inderste motorer samt benzintankene blev ramt, og en voldsom brand brød ud.

Efter en nødlanding lykkedes det F/Sgt (Flight Engineer) Ronald Francis Day og F/Sgt (Rear Gunner) Edward Tate at komme fri af flyet. På trods af at Day havde beskadiget sin hånd, lykkedes det dem at trække den hårdt sårede F/Sgt (Bomb Aimer) John Ayers ud af flammerne, men de var nødt til at skynde sig væk, da
tyskerne hurtigt nærmede sig. Ved Vorbasse (her) kom de i kontakt med venligtsindede danskere, og senere blev de flyttet til Vejle, hvor de oplevede befrielsen.

F/Sgt Ayres blev ført til det tyske lazaret i Fredericia (her) hvor han døde den 30. april. (Se mere ved Ayers om hans begravelse.)

W/O (Pilot) Edward A. Dax, F/Sgt (Navigator) Thomas Jones og F/Sgt (Wireless Operator) Frank William Fuller kom også fri af flyet, men til modsat side. De troede at
de andre var omkommet i flammerne,og de forsvandt ud over markerne. Via Vorbasse kom de til Bække(her) hvor de var med til at fejre befrielsen.(Kilde:FT 91-10-55)

Se også Skudt ned, overlevet og gift i 70 år (pdf 7.4 MB) af N.M. Schaiffel-Nielsen 10. december 2016.

Den tyske kapitulation blev meddelt i BBC aftennyhederne 4. maj 1945 kl. 20.36, 6 minutter inde i den normale udsendelse.
Klik Hør frihedsbudskabet igen og klik på pilen for Start.
"I dette øjeblik meddeles det, at Montgomery har oplyst, at de tyske styrker i Holland, Nordvesttyskland og i Danmark har overgivet sig."  (Nogle tyskere blev ved med
at skyde.
Den 5. maj 1945 blev en B-24 skudt ned af U-534! Sidste flyver blev skudt ned 9. maj 1945 på fototur, 4 dage efter krigens afslutning!)

Dette var et af 15 fly mistet med tab af 69 liv + 3 fly mistet uden tab af liv, 5 af dem i RKSK, se Google Map Rebild Mindetavlen i Rebild og Rebild 2012.
Omkring 6500 containere med omkring 700 tons våben, sprængstoffer og mere fra SOE blev nedkastet til dansk modstandsbevægelse.
RAF udførte 284 og USAAF 168 vellykkede nedkastninger over Danmark. Modstandsbevægelsen blev bevæbnet og mindst 4.481 sabotageaktioner blev udført.

6 flyvere.

STI LK567 made a forced landing about here on 27 April 1945 near the monument which was erected in 1995.
See also MACR (Missing Air Crew Report)  p429rMACR.

This night several planes from the RAF flew with supplies of weapons to Denmark. STI LK567 saw no lights from the drop zone at Faaborg (here) over which the plane circled. The plane started the return flight and passed Vandel Airfield (here). Suddenly flak opened fire and the two inner engines and the fuel tanks were hit causing a vehement fire.

After the forced landing F/Sgt (Flight Engineer) Ronald Francis Day and F/Sgt (Rear Gunner) Edward Tate managed to get out of the plane. Day had hurt a hand, but
they managed to pull the severely injured F/Sgt (Bomb Aimer) John Ayers out of the flame. They had to hurry away, however, as the Germans were approaching fast. F/Sgt Ayers was taken to the German Army hospital in Fredericia
(here) where he died on 30 April. (More at Ayers about his funeral.)

W/O (Pilot) Edward A. Dax, F/Sgt (Navigator) Thomas Jones and F/Sgt (Wireless Operator) Frank William Fuller also got out of the plane, but at the opposite side.
They thought that the others had perished in the flames, and they disappeared across the fields. Via Vorbasse they came to Bække (here) where they took part in
the celebrations of the liberation. (Source: FT 91-10-55)

The German surrender was announced in the BBC evening news on 4 May, 1945. The announcement came at 20.36, 6 minutes after the start of the normal broadcast.
"Just now we have been informed that Montgomery has stated that the German forces in the Netherlands, North West Germany and in Denmark have surrendered."
(Some Germans kept shooting.
On 5 May 1945 a B-24 was shot down by U-534! The last airman was shot down on 9 May 1945, 4 days after the end of the war!)

This was one of 15 planes crashed with the loss of 69 lives + 3 planes lost without loss of lives, 5 of them on RKSK, see Google Map RebildRebild 2012 and
and the Memorial Plaque in Rebild. About 6,500 containers with about 700 tons of weapons, explosives, and more were dropped to
the Danish resistance movement.
The RAF had 284 and the USAAF had 168 successful airdrops over Denmark. The resistance movement was armed and there were at least 4,481 sabotage actions.

See No. 295 Squadron RAF. See also  295 Squadron in Unit Histories. This Stirling took off from RAF Rivenhall.  6 airmen.