Lancaster III PB143 - At Estruplund                                                    Updated: 14 OCT 2021

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
a015001.htm Charlton T T P/O RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund
a019057.htm Dell R F F/O RCAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b120944 c019.htm Frederikshavn
a015002.htm Devlin P T Sgt RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund
a015003.htm Gibbs W E F/O RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund
a015004.htm Goodman K M Sgt RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund
a015005.htm Pomroy R W Sgt RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund
a015006.htm Stevens N Sgt RAF 514 p365.htm LAN PB143 Bomb G At Estruplund d300844 b170944 c015.htm Estruplund

                                                                                                                                                                 Fundet 13 NOV 2012            Found 13 NOV 2012
Den 30. august 1944 styrtede LAN PB143 ned her. 2 dele af patronhylstre
.303 inch til
Browning maskingevær, se foto, fundet af AS ved nedstyrtningsstedet med metaldetektor sammen med
andre vragdele. Dette var 1 af 38 fly tabt under
Operation 30 AUGUST 1944 - se også
En mindesten for 6 engelske flyvere og En beretning fra Estruplund af Kristian Boje Pedersen.
Han hjalp med at finde nedstyrtningsstedet. Se også Estruplund - flystyrtet, begravelsen og mere
og Fotos fra 4. maj 1995 i Estruplund fra Susanne von Lowzow, Estruplund - Mindegudstjeneste 2014
og artiklen Den britiske bombe i Vorup - og Estruplund (pdf-6 MB) i Randers Amtsavis 30 AUG 2014.

 “Natten til den 30. August 1944 overfløj næsten 600 britiske bombefly Danmark under bombetogter til henholdsvis Königsberg (Kaliningrad) og Stettin (Szczecin). Under indflyvningen over Nordjylland, Kattegat
og Sverige blev formationerne til Stettin voldsomt angrebet af tyske natjagere.

Efter at være skudt i brand over Kattegat fløj en Lancaster i timen efter midnat tilbage mod den jyske kyst. Flyet nåede lige netop i land, idet det eksploderede i nedslaget tæt ved stranden mellem Ingerslev og Estruplund. Hele bombelasten sprængtes, hvorfor maskinen spredtes over et stort område.

Alle ombordværende blev dræbt. Tyskerne gjorde ikke mine til at samle resterne af de omkomne flyvere,
hvilket naturligt nok harmede egnens befolkning. Først tre uger efter nedstyrtningen, søndag den 17.
september, blev flyverne begravet. Hjælpepræst C.M. Nielsen kastede jord på graven. Han havde selv
deltaget i det uhyggelige arbejde ude på markerne nord for Estruplund, som nu gjorde en begravelse mulig.

Et medlem af besætningen, P/O R.F. Dell, ligger begravet i Frederikshavn. Han blev fundet druknet ved Læsø, hvorfor det må antages, at han sprang ud med
faldskærm over Kattegat.” (FAF) 
7 flyvere. Se Lancaster fotosp365MACR

On 30 August 1944 LAN PB143 crashed here. 2 parts of cases of .303 inch cartridges for a Browning machine gun, see photo, and other pieces
of wreckage were found by AS at the crash site with a metal detector. This was 1 of 38 planes lost on
Operation 30 AUGUST 1944 - see routes and losses.
A Memorial Stone to 6 British Airmen and An Account from Estruplund by Kristian Boje Pedersen. He helped to find the crash site.
See also Estruplund - the crash, the burial and more and
Photos from 4th May 1995 in Estruplund from Susanne von Lowzow, Estruplund
- Memorial Service 2014.
The British bomb in Vorup - and Estruplund
(pdf-6 MB) by Anders Straarup in Randers Amtsavis on 30 AUG 2014.

On the night before 30 August, 1944, nearly 600 bombers flew over Denmark on bombing raids to Königsberg (Kaliningrad) and Stettin (Szczecin)
Flying over North Jutland, the Kattegat and Sweden heading for the targets the formations for Stettin were heavily attacked by German night fighters.

A Lancaster was hit and caught fire over the Kattegat, so it flew back towards the coast of Jutland in the hour after midnight. The plane just reached land when it
exploded in the crash near the beach between Ingerslev and Estruplund.

All on board perished. The Germans made no move to collect the remains of the deceased airmen. This infuriated residents of the area. The airmen were not
buried until Sunday, 17 September, three weeks after the crash. Curate C.M. Nielsen officiated at the graveside. He had also taken part in the ghastly work
in the fields north of Estruplund, which now made a burial possible.

A member of the crew, P/O R.F. Dell, is buried in Frederikshavn. He was found drowned at Læsø, so it must be assumed that he bailed out over the Kattegat. 
(Source: FAF)
"Stettin.403 aircraft, 23 lost (5.7%) - a successful raid, - -" the IBCC states at each of the perished airmen.

This Lancaster - see Lancaster Photos - was from No. 514 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia. See also 514 Squadron RAF and Waterbeach Military Heritage Museum.
Lancaster III PB143 JI-B took off from RAF Waterbeach at 21:05 on 27 AUG 1944. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.) See p365MACR. 7 airmen.