B17 42-3535
omkring 100 m sydvest for Bækkemosevej 9, 4672 Klippinge i Tåstrup omkring
900 m sydvest for gården "Myrekær"
her Myrekærvej
5, 4652 Hårlev den 11. april 1944 ca. kl. 13.30
(Kilde: MACR) på returflyvning fra
Poznan. Se dansk pressemeddelelse på engelsk Danish Bulletin.
Flyvehistorisk Tidsskrift skriver:
"585 B-17 fly fløj til mål i Nordtyskland, og 52
gik tabt. Under returflyvningen blev formationen angrebet af fly af typerne
Bf410 og
Fw190. Motor nr 3 og 4
blev kantstillet, og på nr. 2 blev topcylinderne beskadiget, hvilket medførte en
mindre brand og en del røg. Brændstoftabet var katastrofalt, og flere tanke var
tomme, da
flyet nåede dansk område. Co-piloten var såret i ansigtet af
plexiglassplinter, og piloten, navigatøren samt engineer havde lettere sår
efter splinter. Da flere
var beskadiget, valgte piloten en
nødlanding, der skete på gårdejer Johan Nissens mark ved Varpelev. Gårdejeren
fik straks gemt flyverne af vejen og fik
skabt den
nødvendige kontakt med
modstandsbevægelsen. Den 15. april blev alle 10 sejlet til Sverige, og allerede
den 26. april var de tilbage i England."
(FT 88-40-25)
(Det var Knud
Larsens mark. Korrekt at Johan Nissen var meget aktiv.)
B-17 Crash Stevns*USAAF
Monument 2024
her 150 m S for Bækkemosevej 11.
Lige efter nødlandingen
her styrtede flyverne 800 m mod øst
over til en lille lund
her 350 m syd for "Myrekær", mens gårdejer Johan Nissen skyndte sig at harve deres fodspor
væk. (Kilde til positioner: Erik Mouritzen og Peer Wolsing) Mere i A TIME TO REMEMBER*Update
AUG 2022
af Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Raoul A. de Mars.
fotos af flyet efter nødlandingen og af flyets
Co-Pilot og
Happy Ending.
Se flyet - en lokal
Stevns Lokalarkiv om
Flystyrt ved Tåstrup 1944 +
video 7:32 fra
Stevns Lokal TV. Statistikker med tabstal må ikke
få os til at glemme, at dette er om mennesker.
Det ville være uheldigt, om flyverne i Sverige fortalte, at de blev kørt til
København i en kreaturvogn og blev sejlet derfra til
så svenske journalister fik at
vide, at de var nødlandet i Nordsjælland, havde
boet i en hule i en skov og havde stjålet en robåd i en lille havn, inden de
sejlede over Øresund! (Kilde: DFEV)
Raoul A. de Mars fortæller historien i A TIME TO REMEMBER
* Update
AUG 2022 som han oplevede den. Det er meget
Senere har Henning Bencard (1928-2012) nærlæst hans
beretning og skaffet flere
skriftlige kilder og vidneudsagn til artikel
i Årbog 1993 (pdf) fra Historisk
Samfund for Præstø Amt. Detaljer fra Raoul A. de Mars ses som han
oplevede dem. Henning Bencards artíkel s. 5-7 og
B-17 Crash Stevns har flere detaljer
og øjenvidneberetninger.
Henning Bencard skaffede oplysninger og genstande til en udstilling i Kalamazoo Air Zoo i Michigan,
USA om
B17 42-3535 og dets besætning.
Se også Last Flight of B-17 23535
(pdf 4.85 MB) af
Henning Bencard & Gerard Pahl, baseret på erindringer fra co-pilot Raoul A. de Mars
og original efterforskning
af Henning Bencard og Ted Damick, først trykt i
Warbirds International, January/February 1994, Volume 13, Number 1.
Raoul A. de Mars Jr., Peer Wolsing, Erik Mouritzen, Arne Aasbjerg,
Henning Bencard, Robert E. Ellis, Gerard Pahl og andre gjorde det muligt at fortælle
historie! 03 AUG 2022 sendte Raoul A. de Mars Jr. Update of my Father's Story -
ny titel, nogle ændringer, grafik tilføjet - glimrende.
tegning af besætningen på
en B-17,
Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i airmen.dk samt
B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner
og p295MACR.
10 flyvere.
On 11 April 1944 app. at 13.30 hours (Source: MACR)
B17 42-3535 made a forced landing
about 100 m southwest of
Bækkemosevej 9, 4672 Klippinge in Tåstrup
about 900 m southwest of the farm "Myrekær"
here Myrekærvej 5, 4652 Hårlev on the return flight
Poznan. See Danish Bulletin.
(Danish) Aviation Historical Review writes:
"585 B-17 planes flew to targets in Northern
Germany, and 52 were lost. (About this plane:) The formation was attacked on the
return flight by planes of the types
Bf410 and
Fw190. Engines no. 3
and 4 were feathered, and the top cylinders of engine no. 2 were damaged, which
caused a small fire and heavy smoke.
The loss of fuel was fatal, and some
tanks were empty, when the plane reached Danish territory. The co-pilot had his face wounded by splinters of
Plexiglas, and
the pilot, the navigator and the flight engineer were injured
slightly by splinters. The pilot decided to crash land on farmer Johan Nissen´s
field at Varpelev, as several parachutes were damaged . The farmer immediately
hid the airmen and established the necessary contact to the resistance movement.
On 15 April all 10 were
sailed to Sweden, and they were back in England already
on 26 April." (FT 88-40-25) (It was Knud Larsen´s field. Correct that Johan
Nissen was very active.) See
B-17 Crash Stevns*USAAF
Monument 2024
here 150 m S of Bækkemosevej 11, DK-4672 Klippinge. Some details in Danish
and Google Translate for more!
Right after the crash landing
here the airmen ran 800 m to the east to
a small stand of trees
here 350 m south of "Myrekær", while farmer Johan Nissen hurried to
their footprints away. More in A TIME TO REMEMBER *
AUG 2022
by Co-Pilot
2nd Lt Raoul A. de Mars. See photos of photos of the plane after the forced landing
of the Co-Pilot Raoul A. de Mars and the
Happy Ending.
Some loss statistics
must not make us forget that this is about people!
See the plane
- a local attraction.
Stevns Lokalarkiv about
Air crash near Taastrup 1944 with photos
video 7:32 by
Stevns Lokal TV.
It would be inconvenient if the airmen told
people in Sweden that they were driven to Copenhagen in a cattle truck and were sailed
from there to Malmø,
Swedish reporters were told that they had crash landed in North Zealand, had
lived in a cave in a forest and had stolen a rowing boat in a small harbour to
cross the Øresund! (Source: DFEV)
Raoul A. de Mars told the story in A TIME TO REMEMBER
* Update
AUG 2022
the way he experienced the events. That
is very valuable! See also de Mars Documents.
Henning Bencard
read his account
closely, and he has collected documents and witness accounts about
B17 42-3535 and its crew.
He wrote an artikel
i Aarbog 1993 (pdf - in Danish but with some maps and photos) His
article p. 5-7 and
B-17 Crash Stevns has more details
and eye witness accounts. He also helped
in writing Last Flight of B-17 23535
(pdf 4.85 MB) by
Henning Bencard & Gerard Pahl, based on the notes of co-pilot Raoul A. de Mars
and original research by Henning Bencard and Ted Damick, originally
printed in
Warbirds International, January/February 1994, Volume 13, Number 1.
He collected
information and artifacts for an exhibition on display in the Kalamazoo
Air Zoo, Michigan, USA, where Gerard
Pahl was the Education Programs Coordinator.
Raoul A. de Mars Jr., Peer Wolsing, Erik Mouritzen, Arne Aasbjerg, Henning
Bencard, Robert E. Ellis, Gerard Pahl and others made it possible to tell this story!
On 03 AUG 2022 Raoul A. de Mars Jr. sent Update of my Fathers Story - new title,
some changes, graphics added - excellent.
See a
drawing of the crew of a
B-17 *
Photo of a B-17 + B-17s in airmen.dk *
B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball
Turret Gunner*p295MACR.
339 BS, 96
BG, 45 CBW, 3 BD and the 96th Bombardment
Group Association. This
B-17 took off from
RAF Snetterton Heath
- USAAF Station 138. 10 airmen.