Raoul A. de Mars Updated:
06 APR 2009
A. de Mars, 1944
A. de Mars, 1952,
Mount Suribachi, Iwo
Photos from Raoul A. de Mars Jr.- also
Happy Ending.

Raoul A. De Mars,
2nd Lt, Co-Pilot på B17 42-3535 1944, se
fotos. I 1952 havde han en
mellemlanding på Iwo Jima.
Disse 2 fotos blev sendt fra Raoul A. de Mars Jr til
www.airmen.dk i
februar og april 2009. Uddrag
fra hans emails:
"Min far Raoul A. de
Mars var andenpilot på flyet B 17G 42-3535
som mavelandede nær Varpelev 11/4
Han fløj senere
Grumman SA16 under
Koreakrigen. Han sagde,
det var hans yndlingsfly (fløj ud og reddede
der var
kommet ned over havet).
Min far gik bort i 2004 og var altid taknemlig over for dine
landsmænd, der
hjalp dem under deres flugt."
Se A TIME TO REMEMBER om den sidste
mission, og hvordan de alle kom tilbage til friheden. Se også
B17 42-31619 og B17 42-31156 på Bornholm!
Raoul A. De Mars, 2nd Lt, Co-Pilot of
B17 42-3535 1944, see photos. In 1952 he stopped in
Iwo Jima on one
of his flights picking up downed Korean War Fighter Pilots.
These 2 photos were sent from Raoul A. de Mars Jr.
to www.airmen.dk
in February and April 2009.
Excerpts from his emails:
"My father, Raoul A. de
was the co-pilot on this flight
B 17G 42-3535 which belly landed near Varpelev 11/4 1944.
He later flew
Grumman SA16s
during the Korean War.
Said that was his favorite plane to fly (performed
Air/Sea Rescue
of downed fighter pilots in the ocean).
My father passed away in 2004 and was always
grateful to your
countrymen that aided them in their escape."
See A TIME TO REMEMBER about the last
mission and how all of them came back to freedom. See also
B17 42-31619 and B17 42-31156 on Bornholm!