Grønhøj 2021 Links*2014*2015*2018*2020 Mindesten*RAF Mindestue Memorial Stone*RAF Memorial Room   Updated:  06 MAY 2021

04 MAY 2021Grønhøj Kro 2021

Fotos fra Laura Laigaard via Gregers Laigaard.
Gregers og jeg havde håbet på en kransenedlægningshøjtidelighed, men grundet Covid-19 restriktioner valgte vi at aflyse. Vi var ikke i Grønhøj den aften, men det var Laura, datter af
Dorte og Gregers, værtsparret på Grønhøj Kro. Hun og hendes ven Nikolai satte lys i
vinduerne, en dansk tradition, og sendte fotos til sin far.

Poul Vester fra Hjemmeværnskompagni Kongenshus fik en smuk blomsterhilsen placeret
ved Mindestenen den 4. maj 2021 i den regnfulde aften.

Photos from Laura Laigaard via Gregers Laigaard.
Gregers and I had hoped for a wreathlaying ceremony, but due to Covid-19 restrictions we decided to cancel the ceremony. We were not in Grønhøj that evening, but Laura was – the daughter of Dorte and Gregers, the innkeepers of Grønhøj Kro. She and her friend Nikolai placed candles in the windows, a tradition in Denmark, and sent photos to her father.
Poul Vester of HVK Kongenshus, a company of the Danish Home Guard,
had a beautiful floral tribute placed at The Memorial Stone on 4 May 2021.