Robert L. Mason                                                                                    Updated: 02 APR 2019

Airman: o888465.htm Surname: Mason Init: R L Rank: 1stLt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 326

P_link: p400.htm Plane: B17 44-6461 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: Near Højrup

Crash_d: d260245 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

 Den 26. februar 1945 styrtede B17 44-6461 ned her ved Højrup 9 km sydvest for Gram på tilbagevejen fra et bombetogt til Berlin.

Se informationstavle og propelblad på nedstyrtningsstedet. Tæt på her, overblik her.
Det er 2 km sydvest for Højrup Kirke (her), Kirkevej 23, 6510 Gram. Kør herfra mod syd og fra Skovmosevej igen mod syd fra dette punkt - eller brug
Google Map DK.

B17 44-6461 havde motorproblemer over Berlin. "44-6461 blev sidst set 8 km efter formationen. 2 motorer ude af drift i 15.000 fods højde." (MACR)
"Da maskinen fløj syd for Gram kl. 16.30 blev den angrebet af 2 tyske jagere, der skød de 2 sidste motorer i stykker. Besætningen sprang ud." (AOD)

Disse flyvere blev hurtigt taget til fange som fortalt i AOD:
Co-Pilot 2.Lt Richard N. Callahan, Pilot 1.Lt Robert L. Mason, Ball Turret Gunner Sgt Lester M. Little, Waist Gunner Sgt John A. Trcka,
Tail Gunner Sgt Russell D. Boates Jr., Radio Operator / Gunner T/Sgt Myron R. Graham og Nose Gunner Sgt Jacob R. Riley.

Top Turret Gunner S/Sgt John Kozdeba og Navigator 2nd Lt Russell S. Bodwell klarede at komme til Sverige hjulpet af mange danskere!
Se Bodwell og Kozdeba til Sverige.

Se B-17 Flyvende fæstning
* B17 i * tegning af besætningen på en B-17. 9 flyvere.

On 26 February B17 44-6461 crashed here near Højrup 9 km south west of Gram on the return flight from a bombing raid on Berlin.

See information table in Danish and a propeller blade from B17 44-6461 at the crash site. At close range here, overview  here.
It is 2 km south west of Højrup Church (here), Kirkevej 23, 6510 Gram. Drive from here to the south and from Skovmosevej again south from this point -
or use
Google Map DK

B17 44-6461 had engine failure over Berlin. "44-6461 last seen trailing formation 5 miles behind. 2 engines out at 15,000 feet." (MACR)
"When flying south of Gram at 16:30 hours it was attacked by two German fighters that shot up the two remaining engines. The crew bailed out." (AOD)

These airmen were soon captured as told in AOD:
Co-Pilot 2.Lt Richard N. Callahan, Pilot 1.Lt Robert L. Mason, Ball Turret Gunner Sgt Lester M. Little, Waist Gunner Sgt John A. Trcka,
Tail Gunner Sgt Russell D. Boates Jr., Radio Operator / Gunner T/Sgt Myron R. Graham and Nose Gunner Sgt Jacob R. Riley.

Top Turret Gunner S/Sgt John Kozdeba and Navigator 2nd Lt Russell S. Bodwell made it to Sweden helped by many Danes!

This B-17 belonged to 326th BS, 92nd BG, 40th CBW, 1 BD, 8 AF of the USAAF. See also B17s in and a
drawing of the crew of a B-17.
See 92nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) and 92nd USAAF-USAF Memorial Association US planes. Sites.
It took off from
RAF Podington - USAAF Station 109. Also Lester Schrenk was here. 9 airmen.