B 17G-DL 44-6461 - Near Højrup - Information                          Updated:  05 JAN 2012

Se denne informationstavle om B17 44-6461
og et propelblad på nedstyrtningsstedet.
Tæt på her, overblik her.
Det er 2 km sydvest for Højrup Kirke, Kirkevej 23, 6510 Gram.
Kør herfra mod syd og fra Skovmosevej igen mod syd
fra dette punkt - eller brug
Google Map DK.

Se samme tekst i Arnum - et godt sted at bo.
Historien er fortalt mange gange, inden den blev skrevet ned.
Sammenlign med
B17 44-6461 og
historien om Bodwell og Kozdeba til Sverige.

9 flyvere.

See this information table about B17 44-6461
and a propeller blade at the crash site.
At close range
here, overview here.
It is 2 km south west of Højrup Church, Kirkevej 23, 6510 Gram.
Drive south from there, and again south from this point on
Skovmosevej - or use
Google Map DK.

See the samme text in Arnum - a good place to live.
The story has been told many times before it was written down.
Compare with
B17 44-6461 and
the story Bodwell and Kozdeba to Sweden.
9 airmen.


Translation: Hail of bullets over the area – propeller blade from an American super Flying Fortress 

A number of residents of Højrup tell this story about a winter day in February / March 1944 :
An American 4-engined (3 propeller blades on each engine) super Flying Fortress with machine guns in front and behind, top and bottom was attacked over Fladbælle by German fighters from the new airfield in Skrydstrup. A regular aerial combat makes people in Højrup seek shelter from the machine gun bullets – bullets that pierce roofs of stables and barns. The American bomber is hit and engines catch fire. The crew (maybe up to 8-10 men) have to bail out. They are rescued and stay on farms in the area till they are helped out of the country. The plane crashes in Præstemosen on this spot. Debris is scattered over a large area. German soldiers quickly arrive and seal off the area.

And then Kaj Christensen, Stenbækvej has this story:

I was 9 years old and lived in Toftlund where my father was a shoemaker. The day after the American bomber had been shot down Knud Lau and I rode on our bikes to the crash site.  We were curious boys. We could not get close to the wreckage, but we found a propeller blade that we carried home on Knud’s bicycle for goods (a Long John). Knud had it for some days, as he had the bicycle for transport of the propeller blade – but I was sick to have it, and Knud would like to have a pair of new rubber boots! My father sold rubber boots, so we made a deal. Knud got rubber boots and I got the propeller blade. It has followed me ever since. Once we had it standing in our garden. Some day in the 1990’s the American captain of the bomber visited the area and he had a look at the propeller blade in my barn. We made a deal that he could get it, if he could bring it back to the USA. It appeared to be too difficult, so that is why it is still in my custody. But the perfect place would be at the crash site.

Now you are at the propeller blade (look 25 m to the south). It is placed in concrete at the crash site.