R. J. Nason                                                                                              Updated: 07 MAR 2022

Airman: o888359.htm Surname: Nason Init: R J Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 149

P_link: p082.htm Plane: STI R9320 Operation: Minelaying Crash_site: Baltic Sea off Rødby

Crash_d: d180542 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

Den 18. maj 1942 kl. 01.57 styrtede STI R9320 i Østersøen (måske omkring her) i forbindelse med
minelægning i den sydlige del af Øresund, omkring her. Se Minelægningsområder * p082MACR * Short Stirling.

Se meget mere ved STI R9320.

Sgt G.D.Anderson blev interneret i lejrene L1 Barth / L6 Heydekrug / 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel.
Sgt G.Grant i lejrene L3 Sagan / L6 Heydekrug / 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel  med F/S G.H.R.Woodhouse,
Sgt R.J.Nason og Sgt R.H.P.Waite." (Lost Bombers)

2 flyvere fra STI R9320 har ingen kendt grav. 5 flyvere blev ført til Tyske krigsfangelejre. 7 flyvere. 

On 18 May 1942 at 01:57
STI R9320 crashed into the Baltic Sea (maybe about here)
in connection with a minelaying operation in the Øresund, about here.
See Minelaying areas.

See much more at STI R9320.

Sgt G.D.Anderson was interned in Camps L1 Barth / L6 Heydekrug / 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel
Sgt G.Grant in Camps L3 Sagan / L6 Heydekrug / 357 Thorn/Fallingbostel  with F/S G.H.R.Woodhouse,
Sgt R.J.Nason and Sgt R.H.P.Waite." (Lost Bombers)

2 airmen from STI R9320 have no known grave. 5 airmen were taken to German POW-Camps.

See No. 149 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * Stirling * p082MACR
Stirling I R9320 OJ-S
took off from RAF Lakenheath on 17 MAY 1942. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.) 7 airmen.