Thomas Ernest Parker Rosenthal                    Updated:  10 JAN 2012                   Photo: Lars Wikander

 e222002v.htm Surname: Rosenthal Init: TEP Rank: F/Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 058

P_link: p427.htm Plane: HAL JP336 Operation: Anti ship Crash_site: The Kattegat

Crash_d: d240445 Buried_d: b260745 C_link: e222v.htm At_Next: Varberg, S

  HAL JP336 var nødt til at nødlande på havet (måske omkring her nordøst for Gjerrild på Djursland)
den 24. april 1945.

"Den 23. april 1945 kl. 20.15 lettede F/O Lawrence Barclay Davey fra Stornoway i HAL JP336. Ved midnat
opdagede flyet en tysk konvoj fra Norge, og under det første angreb blev flyet svært beskadiget af flak. Davey
forsøgte at nå land, men ca. 1 sømil (måske omkring her) nordøst for Gjerrild på Djursland (Gjerrild Fyr her)
måtte flyet lande på vandet, hvor det holdt sig flydende i brændende tilstand i en halv time. Fra land blev branden observeret, men ingen sejlede til undsætning. Da F/O Davey kom fri af flyet, kunne han høre anden-piloten F/Sgt Thomas Ernest Parker Rosenthal råbe om hjælp inde i den brændende maskine. Davey krøb ind i vraget og fik hjulpet Rosenthal ud. Telegrafisterne F/O John Vilhjalmur Johnson og Sgt Gerard Anthony Guinane var også kommet fri af flyet, og i fællesskab fik de pustet deres gummibåd op og roede rundt for at finde de 5 øvrige besætningsmedlemmer, men forgæves.

De kunne se den danske kyst, men vinden kom fra vest, og strømmen førte dem hurtigt til havs. Den efterfølgende nat døde F/Sgt Rosenthal, og da gummibåden var utæt, måtte han begraves til havs. Senere drev Rosenthal dog
i land ved Svarthall (måske omkring her), og den 26. juli 1945 blev han begravet på Varberg kirkegård i Sverige."
(FT 91-10-54)

Flight Sergeant (Pilot) Thomas Ernest Parker Rosenthal, 21 år, var søn af Ernest og Ivy Louise Rosenthal, Downham, Bromley, Kent, United Kingdom. Han er begravet på Varberg Kirkes Nye Kirkegaard. (Kilde: CWGC)

Fra HAL JP336 er 3 flyvere begravet i Odder, 1 i Sverige, 2 har ingen kendt grav og 3 blev ført til
Tyske krigsfangelejre. 9 flyvere.

 HAL JP336 had to ditch in the Kattegat (maybe about here northeast of Gjerrild in Djursland) on 24 April 1945.

"F/O Lawrence Barclay Davey took off from Stornoway in HAL JP336 on 23 April 1945 at 20:15. At midnight the plane spotted a German convoy from Norway, and the plane was heavily damaged by flak during the first attack. Davey tried to reach land, but the plane had to ditch about 1 nautical mile (maybe about here) northeast of Gjerrild in Djursland (Gjerrild Lighthouse here). It floated, burning, for half an hour. The fire was seen from land, but nobody sailed out to their rescue. When F/O Davey got off the plane, he heard Co-Pilot F/Sgt Thomas Ernest Parker Rosenthal shouting for help from within the burning plane. Davey crawled into the wreck and helped Rosenthal out. The Wireless Operators F/O John Vilhjalmur Johnson and Sgt Gerard Anthony Guinane had also come off the plane and together they inflated their dinghy and rowed around to find the other 5 crew members, but in vain.

They could see the coast of Denmark, but the wind came from the west and the current quickly took them off the coast. F/Sgt Rosenthal died in the following night, and as the dinghy leaked he had to be buried at sea. However, Rosenthal later drifted ashore at Svarthall (maybe about here), and he was buried in Varberg Cemetery in Sweden on 26 July 1945." (FT 91-10-54)

Flight Sergeant (Pilot) Thomas Ernest Parker Rosenthal, 21, was the son of Ernest and Ivy Louise Rosenthal, of Downham, Bromley, Kent, United Kingdom. He is buried in Varberg Church New Cemetery. (Source: CWGC)

3 airmen from HAL JP336 are buried in Odder, 1 in Sweden, 2 have no known graves and 3 were taken to German POW-Camps.

See Bomber Command No. 58 Squadron * RAF Coastal Command * RAF - Handley Page Halifax. This Halifax from No. 18 Group RAF took off from RAF Stornoway. Robin Hudson of RAFA Stornoway sent details of airmen from HAL JP333 * HAL JP302 * HAL JP173 * HAL PN402 * HAL JP299. Also HAL HX224 and HAL JP336
took off from RAF Stornoway. See also 58 Squadron (History Page, WW II). See Lost Airmen from RAF Stornoway.  9 airmen.