George Henry Topliff                            Updated: 18 JAN 2022

Airman: a117011.htm Surname: Topliff Init: G H Rank: P/O Service: RAAF Sqdn: 206

P_link: p425.htm Plane: B24 KH410 Operation: Anti ship Crash_site: At Aarestrup

Crash_d: d210445 Buried_d: b220647 C_link: c117.htm At_Next: Aarestrup

Natten til den 21. april 1945 fløj Liberator B 24 GR8 KH410 på anti u-bådspatrulje til Kattegat.  Ved midnat styrtede flyet imidlertid ned i den vestlige del af Rold Skov her. Hele besætningen omkom. Den tyske værnemagt begravede ligene i hemmelighed søndag den 22. april 1945 umiddelbart vest for nedstyrtningsstedet. Se monumentet "Flyverstenen" på nedstyrtningsstedet med link til vandretur. Se kort med FLYVERSTENEN, skift evt.til andre kort eller luftfotos
(Ortofotos). Zoom. Se mere ved B24 KH410 og besætningen - fotos og rækkefølge af flyvergrave.

Pilot Officer George Henry Topliff, 20 år, var søn af James og Ethel Maude Topliff, Carnegie, Victoria, Australia. (Kilde: CWGC)

To uger efter sin 18 års fødselsdag meldte han sig til luftvåbnet og blev trænet i Canada. 2/12 1943 ankom han til Storbritannien og gjorde tjeneste som navigatør med rang af sergent. Han blev
udnævnt til officer 4/3 1945.
(Kilde: AKM, se mere ved flyet.) Han erstattede Harding før togtet!

Se bogen af Niels Nørgaard Nielsen: Historien bag "Flyverstenen" i Torstedlund Skov, 92 sider,
der fås fra Støvring Lokalarkiv, kort version Historien bag Flyverstenen.

Historisk Samling og Arkiv Himmerland skriver om dette fly. 11 flyvere.  

On the night before 21 April 1945 Liberator B 24 GRD KH410 flew on an anti submarine patrol
to Kattegat. However, at midnight the plane crashed into the western part of Rold Forest here.
All of the crew perished. The Wehrmacht buried the bodies secretly on Sunday, 22 April 1945, just west of the crash site. See the monument "The Aviator Stone" at the crash site with link to a walk to the site. See map with The Aviator Stone and you may switch to other maps or aerial photos (Ortofotos). Zoom.
See more at B24 KH410 and the crew - photos and the order in which the airmen are buried!

Pilot Officer George Henry Topliff, 20, was the son of James and Ethel Maude Topliff, of
Carnegie, Victoria, Australia. (Source: CWGC) Virtual War Memorial Australia has this.

Two weeks after his eighteeenth birthday he joined the Air Force and was trained in Canada.
On 2 December 1943, he arrived in Great Britain and served as a navigator, ranked sergent.
He became an officer on 4 March 1945. (Source: AKM, read more at the plane.)
He took over from Harding before this mission.

See Coastal Command and No. 206 Squadron RAF (Wikipedia). This B-24 Liberator took off from
RAF Leuchars. See also RAF Leuchars - RAF Station homepage.
See also HAL JP336 and other planes that took off from from RAF Stornoway, see
Lost Airmen from RAF Stornoway. B24 KK299 was lost on 5 May 1945!
Google Map p425 Liberator B-24 KH410      p425MACR     11 airmen.