Grønhøj 2022  1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5     Links  2014*2015*2020*2021
Mindesten*RAF Mindestue Memorial Stone*RAF Memorial Room Updated:
 5 MAY 2022

Grønhøj 2022-3 Foto: Knud Gaarn-Larsen

Blomster fra haven bliver suppleret
med en krans fra Grønhøj Kro og
AirmenDK med
bånd i farverne fra Ukraines flag
lagt af to kvinder fra Ukraine.

Photo: Knud Gaarn-Larsen

In addition to flowers from the garden
a wreath from Grønhøj Kro and
AirmenDK with ribbons in the
colours of the flag of Ukraine
was laid by two women from