John E. Sloane                                                                                      Updated: 07 MAR 2022

Airman: o888501.htm Surname: Sloane Init: J E Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 149

P_link: p084.htm Plane: STI N3752 Operation: Minelaying Crash_site: Rise near Aabenraa

Crash_d: d180542 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

Den 18. maj 1942 kom STI N3752 ned på en mark tilhørende Risegård (her) Rise Bygade 51, 6230 Rødekro.
Flyet endte her omkring 200 m øst for Risegård med næsen pegende mod syd-sydvest. (Kilde: Erik og Verner, den nuværende ejer og en ven.)

"På et minelægningstogt til »Forget-me-not« (Kiel Bugt) natten mellem 17. og 18. maj 1942 mavelandede Stirling N3752 0 fra 149 Sqdn. ved Rise, nordøst for Åbenrå. Mavelandingen skyldtes ikke tyske afværgeforanstaltninger, men en defekt højdemåler. Flyet fløj så lavt, at det ramte jorden. Besætningen Flight Sgt. Jerman, Flight Sgt. Butcher, Flight Sgt. Lauriston, Flight Sgt. Battle, Flight Sgt. Lewis, Flight Sgt. Sloane og Flight Sgt. Hoyland overlevede alle, omend Lauriston og Battle blev ret alvorligt kvæstet. Alle blev taget til fange." (Vestallierede Luftangreb s. 349) Se Minelægningsområder * Tyske krigsfangelejre * p084MACR med detaljer * Short Stirling.
7 flyvere.

On 18 May 1942 STI N3752 came down in a field belonging to Risegaard (here) Rise Bygade 51, DK-6230 Rødekro.
The plane ended here about 200 m east of Risegård with its nose pointing southsouthwest. (Source: Erik and Verner, the present owner and a friend.)

"On a minelaying operation to "Forget-me-not" (Kiel Bay) on 17 - 18 May 1942, Stirling N3752 0 of 149 Sqdn. belly-landed by Rise, northeast of Åbenrå. This misfortune owed nothing to German defensive action, but was due to a defective altimeter. Stirling 0 was flying so low that it brushed a hill. F/S Jerman, F/S Butcher,
F/S Lauriston, F/S Battle, F/S Lewis, F/S Sloane, and F/S Hoyland all survived, but Lauriston and Battle were seriously injured. All were taken prisoners."
(Vestallierede Luftangreb p. 349)
See  Minelaying areas and German POW-Camps.

"Airborne 2210 17May42 from Lakenheath for mining operations in The Sound (Daffodils area). Crashed 0115, while flying low, onto a hillside near Rise, on the SE outskirts of Rodkro, Denmark." (Lost Bombers)

"Sgt S.H.Butcher was interned in Camps L3 / L6 / 357. PoW No.37 with Sgt F.Hoyland, PoW No.59, Sgt A.T.Lewis, PoW No.69, Sgt J.E.Sloane, PoW No.91 and
Sgt J.A.Jerman, PoW No.61." (Lost Bombers)

See No. 149 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * Stirling  * p084MACR with details.
Stirling I N3752 OJ-O
took off from RAF Lakenheath at 22:10 on 17 MAY 1942. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.) 7 airmen.