Robert Richardson Boyce                                                                    Updated: 09 MAR 2021

Airman: e777061.htm Surname: Boyce Init: R R Rank: Sgt Service: RCAF Sqdn: 428

P_link: p339.htm Plane: LAN KB751 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: Sea SW of Sejerø

Crash_d: d170844 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

 "17. august 1944 kl. 02.10 blev en engelsk bombemaskine, som var på vej vestover sammen med et stort antal andre bombere, der kom fra Stettin (Szczecin)
og Königsberg (Kaliningrad) iflg den engelske radio, nedskudt i kamp med en tysk jager. De fleste Sejerøbeboere var oppe den nat, da den megen larm fra
maskiner og maskingeværsalver havde skræmt folk fra sengen. Den ramte maskine kom i brand højt oppe og ramte havet med knusende fart og kraft ca. 2 sømil
sydvest for Sejerø havn. Da det lysnede gik 2 fiskere i deres både ud for at se om nogen af besætningen var at finde. Man fandt hurtigt stedet, da olie kom op fra
bunden og viste vej. Man kunne se maskinen på bunden, den var helt knust, og en masse ting fra den lå og flød omkring stedet." ("Hændelser fra Sejerø under besættelsen" af Jens Frederik Petersen).
R.R. Boyce forsvandt i havet.

Pilot Officer Robert Richardson Boyce, 29 år, var søn af Percy og Gwen Richardson Boyce; gift med Helen Elizabeth Boyce, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Hans navn er på Panel 249 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på andre flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde:CWGC)

LAN KB751 styrtede ned omkring her. 1 flyver begravet på Sejerø, 1 i Fårevejle, 3 har ingen kendt grav, 1 begravet i Sverige og 1 blev ført til Tyske krigsfangelejre.
Se Wartime Diary of Robert E. Toomey med Photo Album. 7 flyvere.

On 17 August, 1944 at 02.10 an English bomber heading west with a great number of other bombers (coming from Stettin (Szczecin) and Königsberg
according to English radio) was shot down in a fight with a German fighter. Most residents of Sejerø had left their beds because of the noise from
planes and machine gun rounds. The plane which was hit caught fire high up in the air and hit the sea at a crushing speed about 2 nautical miles south west of Sejerø harbour. When the day broke 2 fishermen sailed out to see if they could find any of the airmen. They quickly found the crash site, as oil came up from the bottom and showed the way. They could see the plane at the bottom. It was totally crushed and a lot of debris floated around the site.
(Source: "Events on Sejerø during the occupation" by Jens Frederik Petersen) Actually this bomber was of the RCAF. R.R. Boyce disappeared in the sea.

Pilot Officer Robert Richardson Boyce, 29, was the son of Percy and Gwen Richardson Boyce, and the husband of Helen Elizabeth Boyce, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He is commemorated on the  Runnymede Memorial, Panel 249, among more than 20,000 other airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)
His name is engraved on the Memorial Wall at the BC Museum of Canada. The Canadian Virtual War Memorial has this.
He is remembered on The Walls of Names at the International Bomber Command Centre, Phase 2, Panel 134. 

LAN KB751 crashed about here. 1 airman buried on Sejerø, 1 in Fårevejle, 3 have no known grave, 1 buried in Sweden and 1 was taken to German POW-Camps.
No. 6 Group and the Canadian Squadrons * No. 428 (Ghost) Squadron RCAF * Bomber Command Museum of Canada * Lancaster BC * Lancaster Photos
Lancaster X KB751 NA-Q
took off from RAF Middleton St. George on 16 AUG 1944. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this + Archive Report.)  See p339MACR.
See Wartime Diary of Robert E. Toomey
with Photo Album.  7 airmen.