Efterskrift  -  Post-script                                                                                     Updated:  14 NOV 2022

 Gravene*John*John og Paul*tvillinger*sten for forældrene*Efterskrift         The graves*John*John and Paul*twins*stone to the parents*Post-script

Fra The Price of Conflict, af Michael Braund, the Braund Society via Janet Few.


"I 1946 tog tvillingernes forældre William og Greta Braund til Danmark for at søge efter Johns fly og steder hvor besætningsmedlemmer var begravet. William ville
gerne have, at hans egen aske skulle kastes i havet, hvor John var blevet skudt ned.

I 1952 blev propellen fra Johns fly fundet omkring 100 km nordvest for de Vest-
frisiske Øer.

Omsider, i 1984, blev Williams aske spredt fra et Nimrod-fly over stedet, hvor propellen var blevet fundet. En RAF flyverpræst gennemførte højtideligheden
under to minutters stilhed i flyet. Al kommunikation war lukket ned i den periode.

I september 1989 blev urnen med asken fra tvillingernes mor Greta nedsat i Johns grav."

Kommentar fra Anders Straarup:
En propel blev fundet, men det overgår min fantasi hvordan flyet kunne styrte ned,
så besætningsmedlemmerne endte med at blive skyllet op på strande syd for Sjælland som vist på mit Google Map p396, og hvordan en propel så kunne blive fundet i Nordsøen omkring her. Gad vide hvordan den propel blev identificeret til at være lige nøjagtigt fra HAL MZ924.

Van Wilson's bog om Braund tvillingerne fra 77 Squadron Royal Air Force fastslår
at propellen var fra HAL MZ812 fløjet af Marwood Paul Braund!

From The Price of Conflict, by Michael Braund, the Braund Society
via Janet Few.

"In 1946, the twins' parents, William and Greta Braund, went to Denmark in search
of John's plane and the burial places of the crew. William wanted his own ashes to be dropped in the sea where John had been shot down.

In 1952, the propeller from John's plane was found, some 100 km north-west of the West-Frisian Islands.

Eventually, in 1984, William's ashes were dropped from a Nimrod over the site
where the propeller had been found. An RAF chaplain performed the ceremony
during a two-minute silence on the plane. All communications were shut down
during this period.

In September 1989 the ashes of the twins' mother, Greta, were buried in John's grave."

Comment by Anders Straarup:
A propeller was found, but it is beyond my imagination how the plane could crash,
so that the crew members ended being washed up on beaches south of Zealand
as shown on my
Google Map p396, and how a propeller then could be found in the North Sea about here. I wonder how that propeller was identied as being from
HAL MZ924.
Van Wilson's book "The Braund Twins of 77 Squadron Royal Air Force" states
that the propeller was from HAL MZ812 flown by Marwood Paul Braund!