Benny T. J. Newland                                                                               Updated: 29 JAN 2022

 o888026.htm Surname: Newland Init: BTJ Rank: P/O Service: RAF Sqdn: 82

P_link: p019.htm Plane: BLE R3904 Operation: Attack DK Crash_site: At Aabybro. 2km E

Crash_d: d130840 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

BLE R3904 tog del i angrebet på Aalborg, Fliegerhorst Aalborg West den 13. august 1940. Nedstyrtningsstedet er her. Google Map p014-024 (Kilde: Ole Rønnest)

Så snart A-flighten var ude af flak-bæltet faldt de 9 tyske jagere over den. 6. R 3904 blev ramt først og styrtede ned (her) ved Aabybro.
Newland, piloten, reddede sig i faldskærm. Ankers og Turner omkom i flyet. (Find nummeret (1.-11.) i angrebet på - i tekst fra Skudt ned over Danmark)

Pilot Officer Benny T.J. Newland var pilot på R 3904. (Kilde: p019MACR.) Han blev ført til Tyske krigsfangelejre.

Bombeflyet Bristol Blenheim. p019MACR  Se Tyske flyvepladser ved Aalborg. 3 flyvere.
BLE R3904 took part in the attack on Aalborg airfield, Fliegerhorst Aalborg West, on 13 August, 1940. The crash site is here. See also Google Map p014-024.
(Source: Ole Rønnest)

As soon af A-flight had come through the anti-aircraft fire the nine German fighters swooped on them. 6. R 3904 was hit first and crashed (here) at Aabybro.
Newland, the pilot, landed safely by parachute.  Ankers and Turner died in the crash.
(Find the number (1.-11.) in Attack on - in text from Shot down over Denmark)

Pilot Officer Benny T.J. Newland was the Pilot of R 3904. (Source: p019MACR.) He was taken to German POW-Camps.

See No. 82 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * 82 Squadron Blenheims, Watton, 1940 * Bristol Blenheim * German airfields near Aalborg.
Aircraft Restoration Company, Duxford - Bristol Blenheim * Blenheim L6739 -- Rolled Out.  Photo: RAF Memorial, Watton by Ole Rønnest
The reconstructed R3821  that visited Aalborg in 2000 due to efforts by Ole Rønnest.

Blenheim IV R3904 UX-F took off from RAF Watton at 08:40 on 13 AUG 1940. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this+Archive Report.) Bristol Blenheim*p019MACR
3 airmen.