Abraham Silverman - Police Report                                   Updated: 15 FEB 2021

Uddrag af oversættelse af Politirapport om
 2nd Lt Abraham Silverman.
Han blev fundet omkring her.

Han blev
meldt savnet i oktober. I januar 1944 kom et Telegram.

Bogstavet H var nederst på hans ID-skilt angav hans trosretning.
Han var Hebræisk - jøde.

Trækorset på hans grav på Magleby Kirkegård på Langeland
blev i 2007 erstattet af en Davidsstjerne efter anmodning fra en
slægtning til Bernard Bercuson, der stadig er begravet i Magleby.

Læs mere om Krigergravene på Magleby kirkegård.

Dr. David J. Bercuson tog initiativ til denne udskiftning.
Han fik fastslået at Abraham Silverman var jøde og han fandt frem
til historien om denne flyver. David J. Bercuson var så venlig at sende
omkring 200 sider til www.airmen.dk! Liget blev undersøgt i detaljer.
I maj 1948 blev det overført til Ardennes American Cemetery.
Se også Ardennes 2016 og links derfra.

I februar 1949 fik Jacob Silverman begravet sin søn i New York.

Excerpt of a translation of the Police Report about 2nd Lt Abraham Silverman. In October he was reported Missing in Action. In January 1944 a Telegram
stated that he was Killed in Action. He was found
about here. The letter H at the bottom of his ID-tag means Hebrew. He was a Jew.

In 2007 the wooden cross on his former grave in Magleby Churchyard on Langeland was replaced with a Star of David at the request of a relative of Pilot Officer
Bernard Bercuson who is still buried in Magleby. More about this in the text about Abraham Silverman.

The replacement was on the initiative of Dr. David J. Bercuson. He established that Abraham Silverman was a Jew and he traced the story of this airman.
Dr. David J. Bercuson kindly sent about 200 pages to www.airmen.dk! The body was thoroughly examined. In May 1948 it was disinterred and taken to
Ardennes American Cemetery
in Belgium. See also Ardennes 2016 and links from there. Finally in February 1949 Jacob Silverman had his son buried in New York.

In the case of this airman he was first reported Missing in Action and more than 3 months later Killed in Action. Many letters and documents state how his father and authorities were involved in the many stages of just this case. Abraham Silverman's body was found, identified, buried, disinterred, taken to Belgium, shipped to the
USA and reburied in New York. His personal property had to be collected and given to the family even if there were not many items to find. Of course everything must
be documented, but the amount of papers is very overwhelming.

You may also see de Mars Documents about Co-Pilot 2nd Lt Raoul A. de Mars and his way back to the United States. By a miracle he and his crew survived!