Beaufighter TFX NV414 - The North Sea off Peterhead                                            Updated: 21 DEC 2021

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a034001.htm Brock H J F/O RAAF 455 p399.htm BFI NV414 Anti ship Sea off Peterhead d270245 b060745 c034.htm Hune
r998111.htm Hirst W A F/Sgt RAAF 455 p399.htm BFI NV414 Anti ship Sea off Peterhead d270245 r998 r998.htm RETURNED

Den 27. februar 1945 styrtede BFI NV414 i Nordsøen ud for Peterhead. Det var blevet ramt af flak under angreb på tyske skibe i Nordsøen og prøvede at nå
tilbage til Scotland. De to besætningsmedlemmer sprang ud med faldskærm ved Peterhead, Scotlands østligste punkt.

F/O Brock drev ud over havet, hvor han druknede. Den 4. juli 1945 blev hans lig fundet skyllet ind ved Rødhus Strand, omkring her.
Han blev begravet af pastor F. Busch i Hune den 6. juli 1945. F/Sgt Hirst landede uskadt med faldskærm på Scotland Drome, Peterhead. (Kilde: FAF)

p399MACR (blanket om savnet fly): Særlige bemærkninger. Lettede 18.15 26. februar. Beaufighter T.F.X. NV414 lettede med to andre TFX-fly fra No. 455 Squadron plus
3 Rockbeaus fra No. 404 Squadron og 6 Torbeaus fra No. 489 Squadron. Flyet fløj alene til et angreb ud for Naze og mod øst i retning mod Ple, fortsatte langs kysten
til Arendal, hvor en konvoj blev illumineret. Dette fly sigtede mod det forreste skib, ramte en smule hen over det, men ramte sandsynligvis det andet skib. Set senere
med bagbords motor standset i 500 fods højde. Satte kursen hjemefter kl. 20.22 (26. feb.) og nåede land syd for Peterhead. Navigatøren (Hirst) sprang ud med
faldskærm ½ mile (800 m) fra RAF Peterhead. Piloten (Brock) skulle have fulgt efter, men intet spor af ham eller flyet blev fundet."
Uddrag af ORB, bog om operationer, No. 455 Squadron RAAF, Februar 1945, National Archives’  reference AIR 27/1898/26 fundet af Keith Bryers:
"Nåede land kl. 23:00 syd for Peterhead og navigatøren sprang ud med faldskærm omkring 800 m fra RAF Peterhead og gik usåret ind på området. Piloten, der var klar
til at følge navigatøren er endnu ikke blev fundet. Der var intet spor af ham i det nedstyrtede fly."
(Naturligvis var piloten sidste flyver til at forlade flyet. Bemærk at FAF fastslår at F/O Brock drev ud over havet, mens MACR fastslår, at intet spor af ham eller af flyet blev fundet. Nedstyrtningsdatoen 27 FEB på headstone er datoen, hvor
F/O Brock afgjort ikke kom tilbage. Det er en kendsgerning at den 4. juli 1945 blev hans lig fundet skyllet ind ved Rødhus Strand, omkring her. AS)      
Kim Nielsen-Creeley, Launceston Church Grammar School, sendte dette 24 NOV 2015: "Jeg har flere detaljer, der kan interessere dig, som kom fra korrespondance
fra Det Kongelige Australske Luftvåbens afdeling for omkomne flyvere til Mrs. Brock. Der kom et telegram om at Joe Brock var sprunget ud med faldskærm og at en østenvind havde ført ham ud over havet. Tre øjenvidner fulgte efter på cykel, men de "var ude af stand til at se, hvor han styrtede ned". 
2 flyvere.

On 27 February 1945 BFI NV414 crashed into the North Sea off Peterhead. It had been hit by flak during attack on German ships
in the North Sea and tried to get back to Scotland. The 2 crew members bailed out at Peterhead, the easternmost point of Scotland.

F/O Brock drifted out over the sea where he drowned. On 4 July 1945 his body was found washed ashore on Rødhus Strand, about here.
On 6 July 1945 Vicar F. Busch officiated at the graveside ceremony in Hune.
F/Sgt Hirst was unhurt and landed in his parachute on Scotland Drome, Peterhead. (Source: FAF)

p399MACR (Missing Air Crew Report): "Special Remarks: Left 1815 hrs. 26th Feb. Beaufighter T.F.X, NV414 left with two other TFXs of squadron plus 3 Rockbeaus of
No. 404 Sqdn. and 6 Torbeaus of No. 489 Sqdn. Aircraft flew seperately to a strike off the Naze, and eastwards towards Ple, continued coastwise to Arendal
where convoy was illuminated. This aircraft aimed at front ship, overshooting slightly but probably hit second ship. Seen afterwards port engine cut when at 500 feet.
Set course for home at 2022 hrs. (26th) and made landfall S. of Peterhead. Navigator (Hirst) baled out ½ mile from RAF Peterhead. Pilot (Brock) was to have
followed but no sign of him or aircraft was found."

Excerpt from Operational Record Book of No. 455 Squadron RAAF, February 1945, National Archives’  reference AIR 27/1898/26 page 11 found by Keith Bryers:
“ 23.00 made landfall south of Peterhead and the Navigator baled out about half a mile from RAF Peterhead and walked into dispersal uninjured. The pilot who was
ready to follow the navigator out has not yet been located. There was no sign of him in the crashed aircraft.” The p399MACR is a shorter version of this ORB.
Notice that the ORB stated that the plane was found.
(Of course the Pilot was the last airman to abandon ship. Notice that FAF states that F/O Brock drifted out over
the sea while MACR states that no sign of him or aircraft was found. The crash date 27 FEB on the headstone is the date when F/O Brock definitely failed to return.
It is a fact that on 4 July 1945 his body was found washed ashore on Rødhus Strand in Denmark, about here. AS)

Kim Nielsen-Creeley, Launceston Church Grammar School, sent this on 24 NOV 2015: "
I have some more details that may interest you which came through the correspondence from the RAAF Casualty section to Mrs. Brock.  A telegram arrived reporting that Joe Brock had parachuted out and an easterly wind carried him out
to sea. Three witnesses followed on bicycles but 'were unable to locate your son'.

This Beaufighter from No. 455 Squadron RAAF, Coastal Command took off from RAF Dallachy. More about Rockbeaus and Torbeus.   2 airmen.