Halifax BIII W7924 - The North Sea                                                   Updated: 11 MAY 2021

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
e777536.htm Buchwalter F D Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
e777532.htm Carr C F/Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
e777534.htm Hawke W E Sgt RCAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
e777537.htm Jones H Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
e777533.htm Pendelpho C R Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
e777535.htm Pinkney J T Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN
a019032.htm Sannholm D M Sgt RAF 102 p124.htm HAL W7924 Bomb G The North Sea d061242 b200243 c019.htm Frederikshavn

Den 6. december 1942 styrtede HAL W7924 i Nordsøen. 272 bombefly bombede Mannheim med et meget dårligt resultat.  p124MACR
HAL W7924 og 9 andre bombefly gik tabt.

6 flyvere fra HAL W7924 forsvandt i Nordsøen. Liget af Sgt D. M. Sannholm blev fundet på stranden ved Gl. Skagen (omkring her). (Kilde: FT 89-70-25)

Halifax Print * Halifax Mk III på YAM 2019 * folk bag en Halifax klar til en mission.

7 flyvere.

On 6 December 1942
HAL W7924 crashed into the North Sea. 272 bombers targeted Mannheim with a very poor result. p124MACR.
HAL W7924 and 9 other bombers were lost.

6 airmen from HAL W7924 disappeared into the North Sea. The body of Sgt D. M. Sannholm was found on the beach near Gl. Skagen (about here).
(Source: FT 89-70-25)

No. 102 Squadron - Wikipedia* Halifax* Halifax Print* Halifax-BC Museum.Canada* Halifax-RAF Museum* Halifax-The Yorkshire Air Museum*Halifax Mk III at YAM 2019
Halifax II W7924 DY- took off from RAF Pocklington at 17.08 hrs on 06 DEC 1942. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.) See Pocklington History.
7 airmen.