Kongenshus - Mindedalen i regn 29 OKT 2012 Memorial Valley Photos on the wet 29 OCT 2012 Links    21 MAY 2021










Kongenshus Mindepark * Vandretursfolder
* Fotos 8 NOV 2012 * Hammerum+Ø.Horne
Informationstavle og pil * Attrap Grove/Karup * Kongenshus Udsigtstårn
Google Map p114 Lancaster R5679

Notice the increased percentage of farmland from 1850 to 1950.
The memorial stones commemorate hard working farmers from
a number of districts and parishes.

Kongenshus Mindepark * Photos 8 NOV 2012

Information board and arrow  * Decoy A/F Grove/Karup * Hammerum+Ø.Horne
Google Map p114 Lancaster R5679 * Kongenshus Tower * Memorial Valley