Kongenshus - Hammerum - Ø. Horne                Links                           Updated: 21 MAY 2021











Kongenshus Mindepark * Fotos 8 NOV 2012 * Informationstavle og pilAttrap Grove/Karup * Google Map p114 Lancaster R5679
Kongenshus Udsigtstårn * Mindedalen
Bemærk den større procentdel af dyrket jord fra 1850 til 1950. Mindestenene hædrer hårdt arbejdende bønder fra mange herreder og sogne.

Inskription ved potten: Pottehandelen var lige så ærlig som hestehandelen - men så heller ikke mere.

Kongenshus Mindepark * Photos 8 NOV 2012 * Information board and arrow  * Decoy A/F Grove/Karup
Google Map p114 Lancaster R5679 * Kongenshus Tower * Memorial Valley

Notice the increased percentage of farmland from 1850 to 1950. The memorial stones commemorate hard working farmers from a number of districts
and parishes. Inscription at the pot: The trade in pots was just as honest as the trade in horses - but no more than that.