Maynard T. Parsons                                                                                 Updated: 13 NOV 2017

Airman: o888566.htm Surname: Parsons Init: M T Rank: S/Sgt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 350

P_link: p190.htm Plane: B17 42-5862 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: The North Sea

Crash_d: d250743 Buried_d: o888 C_link: o888.htm At_Next: POW

B17 42-5862 styrtede i Nordsøen den 25. juli 1943 kl. 17 i nærheden af kutteren E 475 »Bertha« omkring 75 miles sydvest for Esbjerg. (Kilde: FOS A1393)
AOD har detaljer. Dette er en af beretningerne om flyvere Reddet af fiskere i Nordsøen.

De 10 B-17-fly var ude af stand til at bombe Warnemünde (her). Ved det sekundære mål Kiel (her) blev flyet så beskadiget af antiluftskyts at Captain Carey besluttede sig for at lande på Nordsøen, men seks besætningsmedlemmer gik ned med flyet. Piloten og andenpiloten fra cockpittet og to mere fra radiorummet klarede at komme
ud. En dansk fiskekutter samlede de fire flyvere op. (Kilde: p190MACR)

Pvt (Waist Gunner) Robert D. Lepper og S/Sgt (Tail Gunner) Maynard T. Parsons klarede at komme ud af toplugen, skønt de var alvorligt såret.
De blev reddet af "Bertha" som skipperen fortæller. Da de kom til Esbjerg, blev de efter dramatiske begivenheder hentet af en ambulance.
Det vides ikke hvem af dem, der lå på kutterens dæk i to timer. De blev begge krigsfanger. De blev ført til Tyske krigsfangelejre.
100th Bomb Group (Heavy) har mere om denne flyver.

Se Tegning af besætningen på en B-17*Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i*B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner*B-17 Flyvende Fæstning. 10 flyvere.

On 25 July 1943 at 5pm B17 42-5862 ditched in the North Sea near the cutter E 475 "Bertha" about 75 miles south west of Esbjerg. (Source: FOD A1393)
AOD has details. This is one of the stories about airmen Rescued by fishermen in the North Sea.

The 10 B-17s were unable to bomb Warnemünde (here). At the secondary target Kiel (here) this plane was so damaged by flak that Captain Carey decided to ditch in
the North Sea, but six members of the crew went down with the plane. The pilot and copilot from the cockpit and two more from the radio room managed to get out.
A Danish fishing boat picked up the four airmen. (Source: p190MACR)

Pvt (Waist Gunner) Robert D. Lepper and S/Sgt (Tail Gunner) Maynard T. Parsons managed to get out of the top hatch, even if they were severely injured.
They were rescued by the "Bertha" as the skipper tells in his account. On the arrival at Esbjerg they were fetched by an ambulance after dramatic events.
It is not known, which of them who lay on the deck of the cutter for two hours. Both of them became prisoners of war. They were taken to German POW-Camps.
100th Bomb Group (Heavy) has more about this airman.

See Drawing of the crew of a B-17 * Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in * B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner.
This B-17 was from 350 BS, 100 BG, 13 Wing, 3 BD, 8 AF of the USAAF.

See also the 100th Bomb Group (Heavy)  with p190MACR*Mission Warnemünde-Kiel*Casualty Report*Photo of the pilot and operational details.
It took off from RAF Thorpe Abbott - USAAF Station 139. See also 100th Bomb Group Memorial Museum. 10 airmen.