Robert R. Robinson                                                                                 Updated:  17 AUG 2015

Airman: e777662.htm Surname: Robinson Init: R R Rank: S/Sgt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 323

P_link: p232.htm Plane: B17 4230772 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: The Baltic Sea

Crash_d: d091043 Buried_d: e777c C_link: e777c.htm At_Next: NO - CAM

"Den 9. oktober 1943 angreb USAAF med 378 4-motorede bombefly flyfabrikker i den østlige del af Polen og Østpreussen, samt havnefaciliteter i Gdynia og
Danzig. Både på udturen og hjemturen passerede formationerne Danmark, hvor tyske jagermaskiner angreb bomberne." (FAF)

Under en mission til Anklam i Tyskland den 9. oktober 1943 styrtede en ”Flyvende Fæstning” B17 42-30772 i Østersøen.

Staff Sergeant Robert R. Robinson var Right Waist Gunner på B17 42-30772. (Kilde: AOD)
Han har
ingen kendt grav. Hans navn findes på Tablets of the Missing, Cambridge American Cemetery, England.
Han kom i tjenesten fra Kentucky. Hæderstegn: Air Medal, Purple Heart. (Kilde: ABMC)

6 flyvere fra B17 42-30772 har ingen kendt grav - se navne i CAM. 1 blev begravet i Søby og 1 i USA. 2 blev reddet og sendt til Tyske krigsfangelejre.

Se Tegning af besætningen på en B-17*Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i*B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner*B-17 Flyvende Fæstning. 10 flyvere.

"On 9 October, 1943 USAAF attacked aircraft factories in the eastern part of Poland and East Prussia together with harbour facilities in Gdynia and Danzig
with 378 4-engined bombers. Both on the way out and the way home the formations passed Denmark, where German fighters attacked the bombers." (FAF)

During a bombing raid to Anklam in Germany on 9 October, 1943 a ”Flying Fortress” B17 42-30772 crashed in the Baltic Sea.

Staff Sergeant Robert R. Robinson was the Right Waist Gunner of B17 42-30772. (Source: AOD)
He has no known grave. His name is inscribed on Tablets of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery, England.
He entered the Service from Kentucky. Awards: Air Medal, Purple Heart. (Source: ABMC)

6 airmen from B17 42-30772 have no known grave - see names at CAM. 1 was buried in Søby and 1 in the USA. 2 were rescued and taken to German POW-Camps.

See Drawing of the crew of a B-17 * Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in * B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner.
B-17 was from the 323rd Bomb Squadron of the 91st Bomb Group. See Dailies of 323rd Bomb Squadron. It took off from RAF Bassingbourn. 10 airmen.