Harold L. Goldberger                                                                              Updated:  17 AUG 2015

Airman: e667044.htm Surname: Goldberger Init: H L Rank: S/Sgt Service: USAAF Sqdn: 323

P_link: p232.htm Plane: B17 4230772 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: The Baltic Sea

Crash_d: d091043 Buried_d: e667 C_link: e667.htm At_Next: USA

"Den 9. oktober 1943 angreb USAAF med 378 4-motorede bombefly flyfabrikker i den østlige del af Polen og Østpreussen, samt havnefaciliteter i Gdynia og Danzig. Både på udturen og hjemturen passerede formationerne Danmark, hvor tyske jagermaskiner angreb bomberne." (FAF)
Under en mission til Anklam i Tyskland den 9. oktober 1943 styrtede en ”Flyvende Fæstning” 
B17 42-30772 i Østersøen.

Staff Sergeant Harold L. Goldberger var the Ball Turret Gunner på B17 42-30772.
Den 27 oktober 1943 blev han fundet skyllet ind på sydsiden af Flensborg Fjord, måske omkring her.
Han blev begravet i Kiel og i 1946 blev hans lig ført til
Ardennes American Cemetery i Belgien.
I 1949 blev hans lig gravet op og lagt til hvile i
Riverside Cemetery, Rochelle Park, New Jersey, USA. (Kilde: AOD)

6 flyvere fra B17 42-30772 har ingen kendt grav - se navne i CAM. 1 blev begravet i Søby og 1 i USA. 2 blev reddet og sendt til Tyske krigsfangelejre.

Se Tegning af besætningen på en B-17*Foto af en B-17 + B-17 i airmen.dk*B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition og Ball Turret Gunner*B-17 Flyvende Fæstning. 10 flyvere.

"On 9 October, 1943 USAAF attacked aircraft factories in the eastern part of Poland and East Prussia together with harbour facilities in Gdynia and Danzig with 378 4-engined bombers. Both on the way out and the way home the formations passed Denmark, where German fighters attacked the bombers." (FAF)
During a bombing raid to Anklam in Germany on 9 October, 1943 a ”Flying Fortress”
B17 42-30772 crashed in the Baltic Sea.

Staff Sergeant Harold L. Goldberger was the Ball Turret Gunner of B17 42-30772.
On 27 October 1943 he was found washed ashore on the southern side of Flensborg Fjord, maybe about here.
He was buried at Kiel and in 1946 his body was taken to
Ardennes American Cemetery in Belgium.
In 1949 his body was disinterred and laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery in Rochelle Park, New Jersey, USA.
(Source: AOD) More.

6 airmen from B17 42-30772 have no known grave - see names at CAM. 1 was buried in Søby and 1 in the USA. 2 were rescued and taken to German POW-Camps.

See Drawing of the crew of a B-17 * Photo of  a B-17 + B-17s in airmen.dk * B-17 Ball Turret, Ammunition and the story of a Ball Turret Gunner.
B-17 was from the 323rd Bomb Squadron of the 91st Bomb Group. See Dailies of 323rd Bomb Squadron. It took off from RAF Bassingbourn. 10 airmen.