Til venstre
4 fly + HHM
HE 219A-3
JU 88G-4
Do 17J-1
Bf 110G-4
Øverste hjørne:
Bf 110G-4
Fotos fra
Grove - nu
On the left
4 planes + HHM
HE 219A-3
JU 88G-4
Do 17J-1
Bf 110G-4
Top corner:
Bf 110G-4
Photos from
Grove now
Helicopter Wing Karup
Aalborg Forsvars- og
Garnisonsmuseum har mere end dette om tyske forhold.
Oberleutnant Hans-Hermann Müller, Chef 10/IV/NJG 3 Aalborg West
1943-1944 skød B17 42-31377 med Sgt
Lester Schrenk ned i 1944. Se
deres møde i 2012.
Aalborg Defence and Garrison Museum
has more than this about German affairs.
Oberleutnant Hans-Hermann Müller, Chef 10/IV/NJG 3 Aalborg West
1943-1944 shot down B17 42-31377 with Sgt
Lester Schrenk in 1944.
See them in 2012.