James George Dawson Updated: 10 MAY 2022 Airman: a105002.htm Surname: Dawson Init: J G Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 105 P_link: p133.htm Plane: MOS DZ407 Operation: Attack DK Crash_site: Tveje-Merløse Crash_d: d270143 Buried_d: b300143 C_link: c105.htm At_Next: Tveje-Merløse
”Da 8 britiske Mosquito-fly den 27. januar 1943 forsvandt ud over
Sjælland efter at have bombet
Begravelsen fandt sted lørdag den 30. januar 1943. Fra tysk side deltog i
højtideligheden major Sonntag, en tysk feltpræst og et æreskompagni af tyske
soldater. Tilstede var fra dansk side borgmester A. Hansen og politimester L.
Rosen fra Holbæk, samt yderligere nogle politifolk. Der var sendt en mængde kranse til kisterne, hvor to tyske soldater stod æresvagt. Den tyske feltpræst holdt en smuk tale og foretog derpå jordpåkastelsen. Major Sonntag tog derpå ordet og bragte de faldne en hilsen fra værnemagten og den menige tyske soldat. Herefter affyredes en æressalut. Uden for kirkegårdsmuren var samlet mange mennesker, som med blottede hoveder havde overværet jordpåkastelsen og de to taler. Overalt i Tveje-Merløse, og flere steder i Holbæk, flagedes der på halv stang i anledning af flyverbegravelsen, hvilket ellers fra tysk side var forbudt. Æresbevisningen for de dræbte flyvere og demonstrationen mod tyskerne var ikke til at tage fejl af.” (FAF)
Sergeant (Pilot) James George Dawson, 28 år,
var søn af James og Victoria L. Dawson, Southampton, United Kingdom.
CWGC) When 8 British Mosquitos on 27 January, 1943 disappeared from Copenhagen after the bombing raid on B&W´s Engine Factory on Christianshavn not far from the centre of Copenhagen a wisp of smoke was seen from one of the planes. Shortly after 5 p.m. a burning Mosquito crashed just west of Tveje-Merløse Church after it had hit some tree tops east of the church. The two airmen on board were killed on the spot. MOS DZ407 crashed about here where a monument is erected. The burial took place on Saturday 30 January, 1943. From the German side Major Sonntag, a German army chaplain and a German company as guard of honour took part in the ceremony. Present from the Danish side were mayor A. Hansen and police commissioner L. Rosen of Holbæk, and some more policemen. Also vicar K. Krarup and churchwarden Valdemar Nielsen had turned up. A number of wreaths had been sent to the coffins, where two German soldiers stood as guard of honour. The German army chaplain delivered a beautiful speech and then officiated at the graveside. Major Sonntag then took over and brought a salute from the Wehrmacht and the private German soldier to the fallen. Then a salute of honour was fired. Outside the wall of the churchyard were gathered many people, who with uncovered heads had attended the the ceremony with the two speeches. In all of Tveje-Merløse and several places in Holbæk flags were flown at half mast though it was prohibited by the Germans. The honour to the deceased airmen and the demonstration against the Germans were unmistakable.” (Source: FAF)
Sergeant (Pilot) James George Dawson, 28, was
son of James and Victoria L. Dawson, of Southampton, United Kingdom. (Source:
Mosquito Photos *
Google Map 14 Mosquitoes DK *
No. 105 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia *
105 Squadron *
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