Leslie Taylor                                               Updated: 29 MAR 2021

Airman: a072007.htm Surname: Taylor Init: L Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 115

P_link: p368.htm Plane: LAN ME718 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: Oue at Hadsund

Crash_d: d300844 Buried_d: b040944 C_link: c072.htm At_Next: Ove or Oue

 Natten til den 30. august 1944 overfløj næsten 600 RAF bombefly Danmark på vej til henholdsvis Königsberg og Stettin. Tyske natjagere angreb især flyene til Stettin under deres passage af den
nordlige del af Jylland og Kattegat. LAN ME718 blev ramt og fløj derpå et øjeblik gennem luften, før den som en brændende fakkel styrtede mod jorden ved Oue (her 400 m vest for Rinddalsvej 1, 9500 Hobro).
I nedslaget eksploderede hele bombelasten. Hele besætningen blev dræbt.
(Kilde: FAF)
Se detaljer om begravelsen på siden
LAN ME718.

Sergeant (Wireless Operator / Air Gunner) Leslie Taylor var fra United Kingdom. (Kilde: CWGC)

Se monument for de 7 flyvere fra LAN ME718Oue Kirkegård.
Lancaster fotos og dele af flyet fundet 2008 *
Operation 30 AUGUST 1944 - ruter og tab.
Se Historisk Samling og Arkiv Himmerland
om dette fly og dets besætning. 7 flyvere.

 On the night before 30 August 1944 nearly 600 RAF bombers flew over Denmark on bombing raids
to Königsberg and Stettin. Particularly the planes for Stettin were attacked by German night fighters, when they were passing the northern part of Jutland and the Kattegat.
LAN ME718 was hit and flew
for a moment through the air before it like a crashed like a burning torch at Oue (
here about 400 m
west of Rinddalsvej 1, DK-9500 Hobro). All of the bomb load exploded on impact.
All of the crew were killed.
(Source: FAF)
See details about the funeral on the page
LAN ME718.

Sergeant (Wireless Operator / Air Gunner) Leslie Taylor was from the United Kingdom. (CWGC)
He is remembered on The Walls of Names at the International Bomber Command Centre, Ph 2, P 251.

See monument to the 7 airmen from LAN ME718 in Oue Churchyard. See parts of the plane found 2008.
See also Operation 30 AUGUST 1944 - routes and losses. See No. 115 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia.
This Lancaster -see Lancaster photos- took off from RAF Witchford at 2114 hrs on 29 AUG 1944,
see p368MACR. 7 airmen.