Mustang Mk. III, KH478 (5J- ) - Lillebælt             SDBG * Google Map SDBG-AirmenDK      Updated: 18 JAN 2023

Airman Surname Init Rank Service Sqdn P_link Plane Operation Crash_site Crash_d Buried_d C_link At_Next
e777786.htm Austeen A Maj RNAF 126 p458.htm MUS KH478 Anti ship Lillebælt d040545 e777 e777.htm NO KNOWN

Den 4. maj 1945 styrtede MUS KH478 i havet her mellem Als og Ærø. Piloten blev aldrig fundet.
Flyvehistorisk Tidsskrift skriver:

"4 maj 1945, sydlige del af Lillebælt. Mustang Mk. III, KH478 (5J- ) 126 FS, 11 FG

(RAMROD-mission til Storebælt). 1 MIA. Piloten, Major Arne Austeen (Royal Norwegian Air Force), var chef for 126 Squadron, der fløj eskorte for Beaufighters fra 236
og 254 Squadrons. Det var planlagt som en anti-shipping mission til Storebælt, men allerede i Lillebælts området fandt man store koncentrationer af fjendtlige skibe og
u-både. De tyske u­både U-393, U-579, U-2338 og U-2503 blev sænket i Lillebælt. Under et angreb blev Major Austeens Mustang ramt af flak, flyet eksploderede og
faldt i havet.
" (FT 85-80-46) Se P-51 Mustang Fotos.

On 4 May 1945
MUS KH478 crashed into the sea here between Als and Ærø. The pilot was never found. (Danish) Aviation Historical Review writes:

"4 May 1945, southern part of the Lillebælt. Mustang Mk. III, KH478 (5J- ) 126 FS, 11 FG

(RAMROD-mission to the Storebælt). 1 MIA. Major (Pilot) Arne Austeen (Royal Norwegian Air Force) was the leader of 126 Squadron escorting Beaufighters from
236 Squadron and 254 Squadron. It was planned as an anti-shipping mission to the Storebælt, but already in the Lillebælt area great concentrations of enemy ships
and U-boats were found. The German U-boats U-393, U-579, U-2338 and U-2503 were sunk in the Lillebælt. During an attack Major Austeen's KH478 was hit by flak.
The plane exploded and fell into the sea."
(FT 85-80-46)  No. 126 Squadron RAF. See P-51 Mustang Photos.