B 17G 42-37718 - Alstrup, Samsø - Parts                    Updated:  08 MAR 2009

Foto fra 2000 af Jens Brandt (venstre) og Miles C. McCormack fra B17 42-37718. De fløj en tur i Jens Brandts maskine, som Hanna Reitsch engang sad i.
Miles C. McCormack, B17 Co Pilot, mente at de i 1943 aldrig ville have nået tilbage over Nordsøen med en motor ude af drift, så måske var det OK, som det gik.
Måske var nedskydningen en velsignelse i forklædning. Chancen for at overleve et styrt i det kolde vand i Nordsøen var lille.
Den største del på bordet med B 17 dele hos Jens Brandt er en spinner - knoppen lige foran propellen. Se dette propelblad hos Kristian Brandt Ladefoged.
Miles C. McCormack og familie besøgte også Samsø i 1992 i forbindelse med 50 årsdagen for at USAAF begyndte flyvninger mod Tyskland. Se interview.
I 1993 kom Carl A. Groosbeck og familie, også fra B17 42-37718. Han havde lige i Hamburg besøgt en flyver, der var med til at skyde B17 42-37718 ned!
Det havde han det fint med! De fik talt hændelsesforløbet igennem. Interessant for dem begge! Ikke nogen dårlige fornemmelser. Se avisinterview fra Aage Snedker. Se patroner.

Photo from 2000 with Jens Brandt (left) and Miles C. McCormack from B17 42-37718. They had a flight in Jens Brandt´s plane, which Hanna Reitsch sat in once.
Miles C. McCormack, B17 Co Pilot, thought that in 1943 they would never have made it back across the North Sea with an engine not working, so maybe it was OK
the way it was. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that they were shot down. There was little chance of surviving a crash in the cold water of the North Sea.

The biggest part on the table with B 17 parts at Jens Brandt´s is a spinner - the big knob right in front of the propeller. See this propeller blade.
Miles C. McCormack and family visited Samsø in 1992 in connection with the 50th Anniversary of USAAF´s operations against Germany. See interview.
In 1993 Carl A. Groosbeck and his family arrived, also from B17 42-37718. He had just visited an airman in Hamburg who took part in shooting down his plane!
It was OK for him! They talked in detail about the events. Interesting to both of them. No bad feelings. See an interview with Carl A. Groosbeck. See Ammo from the plane.