J.A.S. Philson about his speech See manuscript.  På dansk  Updated:  15 FEB 2012 Omkring PhilsonAround Philson 

On 6 December 2011 J.A.S. Philson in a Christmas greeting to Kristian Zouaoui and his family wrote this comment:

I feel embarrassed whenever my "Speech" is mentioned.  One must remember, I had, only a short time earlier, been discovered in the brake box of a goods wagon.
About 6 railway workers surrounded me with anxious expressions on their faces. I think they were afraid that I was dangerous! 

Later a couple of burly plain clothes policemen accompanied me to the Daugaard inn, where I was greeted by Palle Hoybye. I and (I believe) Peter Hansen, Sergeant
of police sat, while Palle Hoybye stood and acted as inquisitor (He spoke excellent English)

Peter Hansen began very nervously to search me for weapons but fumbled with the zip fastener of my flying jacket.  With youthful impatience I quickly unzipped it and
out fell a bunch of rhubarb!  Immediately, food was ordered and very soon a tall, young, blond policeman entered bearing a tray, carrying meat and potatoes, coffee,
bread and butter.  This young man sat on my left, interjecting at intervals, "All you have to do is eat!"

Palle continued with his questions and very soon I realised that he wanted to know if any Danes had helped me to evade capture. Impatiently, I put down my knife
and fork, declaring, "Do you think that I would betray a friend who had helped me?  No one helped me! But if they had done, I would never tell you!" Peter Hansen
rose from his chair and came toward me.  I was not sure of his intentions.  Was he about to strike me?  No, he reached out his hands and embraced me like a son.

At that Palle said,  "As long as that's what you tell the Germans, then we have no further questions."

Half-a-dozen young policemen took me upstairs, where I could wash my face and hands and comb my hair.

Suddenly, we heard gruff voices and much stamping of feet, below.  Quietly, we all listened for further developments.  After a short time, when all seemed quiet again
we ventured downstairs. Palle informed me that the Germans had come to collect me and that he had informed them that he had not finished interrogating me for his report.  They would return for me, later.

Palle then turned to me and said,"We have only one more question to ask of you,  Will you join us in a little meal as our guest of honour?"  I replied that I had only
just eaten; to which he responded, "Germany, where you are going, is starving! So you must not miss an opportunity to eat."

We entered the hall, behind the inn.  All the police who had been searching for me stood up.

Peter Hansen sat at the top of the table, Palle and I sat on either side and the Danish National Anthem was sung.
It was a very moving moment.  A delightful meal was served.  One man rose to speak and said that he had been a POW in the first world War and had survived! 
Several speeches were delivered; all encouraging me to 'keep my chin up.'

Newly captured, after three days as a fugitive, frankly, I was surprised by the cordial reception of the police and their apologetic attitude.  I had expected harsh
treatment and here they were sorry they could not help me to escape!

I had had no time to prepare and so what I said sounded like a little schoolboy's attempt to excuse himself for being naughty! (See photo of his manuscript.)

I hope this helps you to understand my confused state of mind.