Richard Arthur Brumwell                                                                    Updated: 24 NOV 2021

Airman: e777853.htm Surname: Brumwell Init: R A Rank: Sgt Service: RAF Sqdn: 207

P_link: p480.htm Plane: LAN NG143 Operation: Minelaying Crash_site: The Kattegat

Crash_d: d161044 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

Sergeant Richard Arthur Brumwell, 21 år, var søn af Thomas Llewelyn og Sarah Olwen Brumwell, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, United Kingdom.
Hans navn er på Panel 226 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)

Den 15. oktober 1944 styrtede LAN NG143 i Kattegat omkring her. Flyvehistorisk Tidsskrift skriver:
"15.-16. oktober 1944 (kl. 21.30). Kattegat, 1 sømil Ø for Als ved udmundingen af Mariager Fjord. Lancaster B.I, NG143 (EM-R).
207 BS, 5 BG, Spilsby, Lincs. (minering i Kattegat). 7 MIA

Seks fly fra 10 BS minerede i farvandet mellem Frederikshavn og Læsø (omkring her), og under tilbageflyvningen så piloten på Halifax MZ410 et fly, der blev skudt
ned af en tysk natjager. Flyet styrtede brændende i havet på ovennævnte position. Der kan kun være tale om Lancaster NG 143 fra 207 BS.

Flyet lettede fra Spilsby kl. 18.39, og man havde ikke siden hørt fra flyets telegrafist. Alle syv besætningsmedlemmer, fire englændere og tre canadiere, forsvandt i Kattegat. Efter krigen har svømmedykkere fundet adskillige vragrester på denne position." (FT 91-8-43)

Sergeant Richard Arthur Brumwell, 21, was the son of Thomas Llewelyn and Sarah Olwen Brumwell, of Newtown, Montgomeryshire, United Kingdom.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 226, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)
He is remembered on The Walls of Names at the International Bomber Command Centre, Phase 1, Panel 14.   

On 15 October 1944 LAN NG143 crashed into the Kattegat about here. (Danish) Aviation Historical Review writes:
"15 - 16 October 1944 (at 21.30 hours). The Kattegat, 1 nautical mile east of Als at the mouth of the Mariager Fjord. Lancaster B.I, NG143 (EM-R).
207 BS, 5 BG, Spilsby, Lincs. (Minelaying in the Kattegat). 7 MIA

6 planes from 10 BS laid mines in the waters between Frederikshavn and Læsø (about here) and on the return flight the pilot of Halifax MZ410 saw a plane being shot down by a German night fighter. The plane crashed, burning, into the sea at the above mentioned position. It can only be Lancaster NG 143 from 207 BS.

The plane took off from Spilsby at 18.39 hours, and since then nothing was heard from the wireless operator. All 7 crew members, 4 Englishmen and 3 Canadians, disappeared in the Kattegat. Scuba divers  have found several pieces of wreckage at this position after the war." (FT 91-8-43)

See No. 207 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * 207 Squadron Royal Air Force History * * Lancaster * Lancaster photos
Lancaster I NG143 EM-R took off from RAF Spilsby at 18.39 hrs on 15 OCT 1944. (Source: Aircrew Remembered has this.)        7 airmen.