Gerald O. L. Bird                                                                                 Updated:  15 SEP 2012

Airman: e777424.htm Surname: Bird Init: GOL Rank: F/Lt Service: RAF Sqdn: 97

P_link: p028.htm Plane: MAN L7324 Operation: Bomb G Crash_site: The North Sea

Crash_d: d150541 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

Den 15. maj 1941 styrtede MAN L7324 i Nordsøen. Hele besætningen omkom.

Flyet forlod RAF Coningsby kl. 22.00 den 15. maj 1941 på et bombetogt mod Berlin.
"S.O.S. kl. 23.00 at styrbords motor var gået i stå og den anden var ustabil, da flyet var ud for De Frisiske Øer 20 miles nord for Borkum (her)." (MACR)

Flight Lieutenant Gerald Oscar Ladler Bird, 23 år, var søn af Clarence Oscar Ladler Bird og Clarice Rosalie Bird; gift med Beulah Daphne Bird, Cosham,
Hampshire, United Kingdom. Awards: D F C, Distinguished Flying Medal.
Hans navn er på Panel 29 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)

Han var Pilot på MAN L7324. (Kilde: MACR)

1 flyver fra MAN L7324 blev begravet i Furreby og 1 i Frederikshavn. 4 flyvere har ingen kendt grav.  6 flyvere.

On 15 May 1941 MAN L7324 crashed into the North Sea. All of the crew perished.

The plane left RAF Coningsby at 2200 hrs. on 15 May 1941 on a bombing raid targeting Berlin.
"S.O.S. 2300 hrs. to effect that starboard engine had cut and the other was unstable when off Friesian Isles 20 miles north of Borkum
(here)." (MACR)

Flight Lieutenant Gerald Oscar Ladler Bird, 23, was the son of Clarence Oscar Ladler Bird and Clarice Rosalie Bird, and the husband of
Beulah Daphne Bird, of Cosham, Hampshire, United Kingdom. Awards: D F C, the Distinguished Flying Medal.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 29, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)

He was the Pilot of MAN L7324. (Source: MACR)

See Bomber Command No. 97 Squadron and 97 Squadron Association. This Manchester took off from RAF Coningsby.
See also RAF Coningsby at RAF-Lincolnshire-info and the present RAF Coningsby. Lost Bombers has this.
6 airmen.