William Barrie-Smith                                                                                Updated: 12 AUG 2019

Airman: e777068.htm Surname: Barrie-Smith Init: W Rank: F/O Service: RAF Sqdn: 42

P_link: p008.htm Plane: BFO L9810 Operation: Not DK / G Crash_site: The North Sea

Crash_d: d210640 Buried_d: e777 C_link: e777.htm At_Next: NO KNOWN

"I forbindelse med et bombeangreb på det tyske slagskib "Scharnhorst", der efter at have fået svære skader i en træfning ved Nordnorge
den 8. juni 1940 havde sat kursen mod syd, blev et Beaufort fly fra RAF ramt og styrtede i havet.

Flying Officer William Barrie-Smith var fra United Kingdom.
Hans navn er på Panel 5 på the Runnymede Memorial blandt mere end 20.000 navne på flyvere, der ikke har en kendt grav. (Kilde: CWGC)

Søg Scharnhorst i Google for at se mere.

Fra BFO L9810 blev 1 flyver begravet i Hjardemål Klit Kirkegård, 1 i Haugesund i Norge og 2 har ingen kendt grav.
4 flyvere.

"In connection with a bombing raid on the German battle ship "Scharnhorst", which after having had severe damages in an engagement
at the northern part of Norway on 8 June 1940 had set course south, a Beaufort plane from the RAF was hit and crashed into the sea.

Flying Officer William Barrie-Smith was from the United Kingdom.
He is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial, Panel 5, among more than 20,000 airmen who have no known grave. (Source: CWGC)

Search Scharnhorst in Google for more.

From BFO L9810  1 airman was buried in Hjardemål Klit, 1 in Haugesund in Norway and 2 have no known grave.

This Bristol Beaufort was from RAF Coastal Command. See  No. 42 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia * Traces of World War 2 RAF No. 42 Squadron.
Beaufort I L9810 AW-M took off from RAF Wick at 14.21 hrs. on 21 JUN 1940 to attack the Scharnhorst.
(Source: Aircrew Remembered has this and Archive Report.)                                                    4 airmen.