Fotos fra Kalundborg Kirkegård    Photos from Kalundborg Cemetery      Updated: 21 MAR 2021 

Foto6 Fotos via Niels Plaschke.

Alfred Henry Smith 23. juli 1942
Grave 1942
Grave 1944
Konsul Christian Valentin
Allierede lægger kranse
Afsløring af monumentet, 1
Afsløring af monumentet, 2
Bemærk frihedskæmperarmbindet
hos manden med hænderne på ryggen.


Photos via Niels Plaschke.
Alfred Henry Smith 23 July 1942 - burial
Graves 1942
Graves 1944
Consul Christian Valentin
Wreaths from Allied
The monument unveiled, 1
The monument unveiled, 2
Notice the armband of freedom fighters
worn by the man who has his hands
on his back, originally to show that he
should be treated according to the
rules of war, as stated in the Geneva conventions.